The influence of OPEC and OPEC+ policies on changing trends in the global political and economic system




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The article is devoted to identifying the influence of the policies of OPEC and OPEC+ member states on the changing dynamics of the global political and economic system. To achieve this goal, the authors conduct a fundamental analysis of the 2020 oil crisis as a consequence of the confrontation of interests between the leading OPEC and OPEC+ countries and the impact of this crisis on the dynamics of leading oil brands and stock indices in the short and long term. Further, the analysis of changes in the course of the trade policy of the OPEC and OPEC+ countries in the context of the escalation of the Ukrainian crisis in February 2022 and its impact on global political and economic changes is carried out. Based on the dynamics of changes in the market rate of the leading oil brands and changes in the trends of the stock indices of the Russian Federation and the United States, the influence of economic and political decisions of the states that are members of the above-mentioned international intergovernmental organizations on the dynamics of changes in the trends of the global political and economic system in 2023 is considered. According to the results of the study, the authors draw a conclusion concerning the political unity of the countries that are members of the international organizations represented on the basis of changes in trade relations during the aggravation of the Ukrainian crisis. In the context of negative geopolitical changes in 2022 and 2023, changes in the role of OPEC and OPEC+ countries in the global financial system are also considered. The presented research assumes to contribute to the analysis of changes in the trends of the world economy observed in 2022-2023.


Elena Glazunova

Volga State University of Telecommunication and Informatics


Andrey Korolev

Volga State University of Telecommunication and Informatics


Irina Fandikova

Volga State University of Telecommunication and Informatics



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版权所有 © Glazunova E.Z., Korolev A.A., Fandikova I.V., 2023
