Dynamics of phytomass and production on reclaimed mesotrophic mire during repeated water-logging process in the Lower Amur region

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The results of the study of the dynamics of a biomass and production of treeless grass-shrub-sphagnum bog communities formed on the reclaimed site 20 years after the drainage and undisturbed mesotrophic shrub-Sphagnum bog community (excluding tree layer) on the Middle Amur River lowlands are compared. This bog is in a subclimax state and functions in conditions of sharply fluctuating hydrological regime. Significant fluctuations in the bog water level caused by the uneven atmospheric precipitation are very typical for mires on the Middle Amur depression, both in growing seasons and from year to year. They have shown that a biomass structure changed and a productivity of sphagnum moss and herbaceous plants increased, while production of psychrophilic shrubs reduced during secondary swamping as a result of changes in the hydrological regime. Live biomass was 1106 g× m-2 on undisturbed bog and 1640 g× m-2 on the secondary swamped site. In above-ground part and acrotelm mortmass increased up to 3561 g× m-2 on the secondary bog compared to 2272 g× m-2 on undisturbed bog. NPP on the secondary swamped site varies between 627-863 g × m-2 per year. It is significantly higher than NPP of undisturbed phytocenosis which ranges from 538 to 662 g× m-2 per year. The dominant indigenous mires Chamaedaphne calyculata is respond to waterlogging and stabilizing the hydrological regime by increase in the mass of roots that provide the greatest contribution to production in comparison with its above-ground live phytomass. The ratio of above-ground and underground phytomass of herbaceous plants thus remains constant, despite the change of species in phytocenosis. The species composition of moss layer changes and significantly increases its productivity. In general, peat accumulation endogenesis accelerates. On mesotrophic bogs of the Middle Amur River lowland it is hampered by recurrent fires on a big time trend, causing them to function in subclimax phase.

About the authors

T A Kopoteva

Institute of Water and Ecology Problems, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Email: kopoteva@ivep.as.khb.ru

V A Kuptsova

Institute of Water and Ecology Problems, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: victoria@ivep.as.khb.ru


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