Diagnosis of medieval-era ploughing using phytolith analysis by the example of archaeological sites Kuckarki and Knyazhich of Moscow region

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The central part of Russia went through massive human-induced disturbance all the way during its history. The disturbance was mainly related with agriculture, also extensive and covered vast area. However, morphological features of such human-induced disturbance preserve in unburied soils only for few hundred years. With the purpose to detect the most stable diagnostic indicators of ancient arable, we studied: 1.unburied soils of archaeological site Kuckarki which presumably been ploughed 500-600 years ago; 2. an arable and uneven-aged lealands of archaeological site Knyazhich ( Kolomna Kremlin, Kolomna) successively buried under the bank of fortress in XIV-XV centuries, which provide us an opportunity to study the restoring of soils under uneven-aged lealands during medieval-era period. All of studied soils are light-textured (sandy loams and loamy sands), parent rock materials are loamy sands and sand mostly. General physico-chemical soil properties data indicated that these properties have different preservation qualities. Thus, the most lasting of studied features appeared homogeneous distribution of physical clay, homogeneous distribution of biophile elements: total phosphorus and nitrogen. Yet, we can’t draw definite conclusions about ancient ploughing in accordance only with considered properties, which can’t serve as reliable indicators of ploughing per se. Features associated with content and distribution of phytoliths have rather high preservation level in soils. Such features serve as indicators even while other indicators are abscent. Phytolith analyses showed that studied soils still keep obvious evidences of ploughing. Single phytoliths from cultivated cereal crops were found in plough layers. Quantity distribution of phytoliths in soil profiles also allowed us to to draw conclusions about some specifics of past agrogenic disturbance.

About the authors

N M Svirida

Institute of Geography RAS

Author for correspondence.
Email: nmsvirida@gmail.com
г. Москва

A A Golyeva

Institute of Geography RAS

Email: nmsvirida@gmail.com
г. Москва


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