Wavelet phase-frequency analysis of climatic variables from the results of deep glacial drilling in Antarctica

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Significant correlation dependence between climatic variables obtained by the analysis of the cores of ice of Antarctica was calculated. Two types of antisymmetric laws of distributions of variability of phases of climate variables were set using multiscale one-dimensional continuous wavelet transform and differential laws of distribution of the wavelet phase transformations of climate variables. The first group includes the ranks of variability of deuterium (temperature), the thickness of ice and sea level, with a positive asymmetry, the second group is a series of variability of insolation, methane, carbon dioxide and atmospheric dust with negative asymmetry. Calculation of differential distribution of differences of wavelet phase-frequency characteristics of series of temperature and greenhouse gases, (ϪT°-CO 2, ϪT°C-CH 4), and series of carbon dioxide and methane (CO 2-CH 4 ) in the historical time intervals between 800 and 422 thousand years up to now in general and time intervals are set in 100, 105,5 and 400 thousandth time intervals in which the average growth phase of temperature is ahead of the growth phase of carbon dioxide and methane, and the phase of growth CO 2 is ahead of the growth phase of CH 4; the time intervals in which these conditions are not met were set. It was set that ahead of the growth phase of temperature phases of growth of greenhouse gases is oscillatory and not periodically at all levels of periodicities of climate variables. Also it was set that ahead of the growth phase of temperature phases of growth of greenhouse gases on average in long intervals of time series of climate variables.

About the authors

V I Alekseev

Yugra state university, Khanty-Mansiysk

Author for correspondence.
Email: v_alekseev@ugrasu.mail.ru


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Copyright (c) 2013 Alekseev V.I.

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