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A case of chronic B-lymphatic leukemia developing at the first stages with splenomegalia without peripheral lymphoadenopathy, peripheral blood leukocytosis and lymphocytosis. Is described. Moderate hepatomegalia and portal hypertension added later on permitted to diagnose cryptogenic hepatic cirrhosis, but there were no signs of hepatocellular failure typical for this diagnosis. Two years later, there occurred peripheral blood lymphocytosis, increase in peripheral and abdominal lymph nodes, lymphoid bone marrow transformation with partial cellular anaplasia in the marrow punctuate; immunophenotyping of peripheral blood cells: monoclonal B-lymphocyte proliferation corresponding to B-chronic lymphatic leukemia - small lymphocyte lymphoma. Portal hypertension was caused by location of increased lymph nodes in the portal vein system. Diagnosis of hepatic cirrhosis was annulled.


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Copyright (c) 2015 Babushkina G.D., Kiryanova N.V., Mikhailovskaya L.V., Golubeva M.E., Petukhova I.V.

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