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Aim. To present the sociohygienic characteristic of women with breast cancer (BC) using the materials of sociological survey. Materials and methods. To assess a typical sociohygienic “portrait”, patients were offered to fill in an individual questionnaire developed by us which contained 28 questions of open, half-open and closed type by four parts: mode and conditions of life, conditions of work, self-rating of somatic and reproductive health, level of knowledge and habits concerning healthy way of life. 200 patients living in Perm and Perm Krai who had undergone organ-preserving operations for BC were surveyed. Results. Analysis of survey results permitted to give a sociodemographic, socioeconomic and sociohygienic characteristic of women suffering from breast cancer. Patients’ social status, living conditions, marital status and its satisfaction were analyzed. Main risk factors for development of breast cancer connected with bad habits, harmful production factors, somatic diseases were revealed. Analysis of obstetric and gynecological anamnesis allowed to make a conclusion about women’s reproductive health. To assess women’s level of knowledge on habits of healthy way of life, the program of questionnaire study included the question concerning the most significant, in women’s opinion, elements of healthy mode of life. Conclusions. According to the data of this study, a complex medicosocial characteristic of women with breast cancer undergoing organ-preserving surgery was given. The detected typical sociohygienic characteristics (medicosocial “portrait”) are of practical significance for timely diagnosis, formation of risk groups and breast cancer management; they also make basis for estimation of women’s quality of life in the nearest and long-term periods.

About the authors

I N Parandei


O A Orlov


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Copyright (c) 2014 Parandei I.N., Orlov O.A.

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