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Aim. Decrease in the population in the Russian Federation is determined, first of all, by a high level of mortality (annually nearly 2 mln people die in the country). But how these, exceeding the maximum values, mortality levels are distributed among different regions of Russia? The objective of the present study was to reveal the regularities of territorial dynamics of the mortality rate indices. Materials and methods. Since 1992 the author has been carrying out field studies in the villages of Tver region using the methods of oral history and inclusive observation by his own programs. Demographic indices for Tver region and other regions of the Russian Federation presented in official documents of Federal State Statistics Service of RF, the data enumeration census (October 2010) are analyzed in the paper. Results. From 1980 to 1991 mortality indices are constant for each subject and for Russia as a whole. Minimum mortality values (nearly 6%) are registered in Dagestan, maximum (nearly 15%) – in Tver region. Mortality in Bashkortostan (nearly 10%) during these years approaches the mean values for Russia. Beginning from 1991 there is a significant growth of mortality in all the regions of RF reaching the peak by the middle of the nineties. After default of 1998 mortality grows again and in 2002–2003 in some regions it is raised to maximum values of 1993–1994. Dagestan showed the highest rates of growth of the population among the Russian regions. According to the data of enumeration census of 2010, the population of Dagestan in comparison with 2002 increased by 15,6%. Conclusion. After the Soviet Union was disintegrated in 1991, there began the growth of mortality and reduction of birth rate in Russia. Since the end of the nineties, smooth growth of birth rate began in the country being equal to mortality indices by 2013. In different regions of this country the level of natural movement indices of the population differs rather significantly. There is a need in urgent measures of the government directed to family and childhood support so as to stop the process of depopulation and stable growth of the population. Dynamics of natural movement of the population in different regions of the Russian Federation essentially differs and can be one of the basic indices while assessing the rate of this or that territory and estimating the efficiency of the managing structures of different levels.

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About the authors

N I Grigulevich

Email: nadia100@rambler.ru


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