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Aim. To study the blood serum brain-derived neutrophic factor (BDNF) concentration in patients with disseminated sclerosis (DS) who had not earlier received immonomodulating therapy. Materials and methods. Forty four patients with reliable DS diagnosis who had not earlier received the drugs changing the course of disseminated sclerosis were examined. BDNF concentration was determined with the method of solid-phase immune-enzyme assay. All patients experienced clinical and psychometric examination. Results. The decrease in blood serum BDNF concentration among DS patients was 16,8 (9,2-24,3) ng/ml (mean control value 28,8 ng/ml) independent of age, sex, duration of disease. Correlation between BDNF and physical health component by MSIS-29 test ( R = 0,37, p = 0,01) was revealed that proves the role of insufficient neutrophic defense in pathogenesis of disease. Conclusions. This study indicates the necessity of including the drugs with neutrophic properties into medical complex used for DS treatment.

About the authors

E L Medvedeva



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