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Aim. To improve the measures for optimization of working conditions and workers’ health protection. Materials and methods. Hygienic studies were carried out in commodity production; instrumental measurements of industrial factor levels were performed according to operating regulations. Industrial environment factors and labor process were estimated by the degree of occupational hazard and danger by the Manual P 2.2.2006-05 “Manual for Hygienic Estimation of Labor Environment Factors and Labor Process. Criteria and Classification of Working Conditions”. Results. Working conditions of commodity production operators are characterized by a complex of factors including harmful air chemicals, noise, vibration, microclimate, light medium, hard and intensive work. At the same time, exposure of such labor factors as noise and operator’s intensity of labor was characterized by high intensity. A short-time excess of single maximum allowable petrol concentration is possible while fulfilling gas dangerous works. Conclusions. The results of this study permitted to ground scientifically the system of sanitation measures including organizational, hygienic, medical-preventive measures aimed at decrease in risk for development of functional disorders in operators’ body and risk for their health so as to prevent diseases.


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Copyright (c) 2015 Badamshina G.G., Beigul N.A., Bakirov A.B., Karimova L.K., Gimranova G.G., Valeeva O.V., Krasovsky V.O.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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