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Aim. To study the status of immunity, thrombocyte component of hemostasis, protein metabolism and iron metabolism for complex assessment of health status in different categories of donors. Materials and methods. Immunological study was carried out using level 1 and 2 tests characterizing the status of cellular and humoral immunity components and nospecific resistance of the body. Functional thrombocyte activity was estimated with turbidimetric method. The total protein content was determined using colorimetric method. Iron metabolism indices were studied with the methods of immunoradiometric and immunochemiluminescent analysis. Results. In donors awarded by the breastplate “Honorary Donor of Russia”, there were observed disorders in immunogram regarding cellular, humoral immunity and nonspecific protection with the frequency of 7,4–18% of the examined patients. Increase in interleukin 1-ß and tumor necrosis factor-α was revealed in 7,5% of donors. However, frequency of the detected deviations of immunological indices in the group of Honorary Donors did not differ from that of primary donors. Reduction of aggregation platelet ability with different inductors was observed in 20–25% of the observed persons. The number of deviations from the standard values of protein metabolism indices per 1 donor was 0,865. Men and women aged 18–23 should be considered the best group of plasma donors for fractionation. Among regular donors of blood and its components, decrease in hemoglobin level caused tension of adaptive mechanisms displayed by elevated production of erythropoietin and strengthening of expression of soluble transferring receptors. Conclusion. A deepened monitoring of active donors’ health is necessity. The obtained data will permit to judge about health status of the population in the region.

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Copyright (c) 2013 Zaitseva G.A., Kovtunova M.E., Matrokhina O.I., Isaeva N.V., Danilova I.N., Kulikova M.M., Ivashkina E.P.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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