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Aim. To study the impact of ozonotherapy on clinical indices and immunological reactivity status in patients with an adolescent form of atopic dermatitis. Materials and methods. 62 adolescents (24 boys and 38 girls) at the age of 12–15 with moderate course of disseminated atopic dermatitis (AD) were under observation. The observed patients were divided into two groups depending on the conducted treatment. Group 1 of AD patients (n=31) received complex generally accepted therapy, group 2 of AD patients ( n =31) – complex treatment combined with ozonotherapy. In both groups of AD patients, in the periods of disease exacerbation and clinical remission, blood lymphocyte population and subpopulation content (CD3-, CD4-, CD8-, HLA-DR +, CD16-, CD20-lymphocytes), blood serum G, A, M, E immunoglobulin and circulating immune complexes content, phagocytosis indices and blood serum proinflammatory cytokine content were investigated. Results. In the group of patients with atopic dermatitis receiving complex generally accepted therapy marked changes in immunological reactivity parameters preserved during clinical remission. In the group of patients with atopic dermatitis receiving complex treatment combined with ozonotherapy clinical remission occurred faster and most immunity indices normalized. Conclusion. High clinical, immunomodulating and antirecurrent effects of ozonotherapy, availability, absence of complications and side reactions permit to recommend it for wide use in complex treatment of patients with an adolescent form of moderate atopic dermatitis.

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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) 2013 Illek Y.Y., Suslova E.V., Gainanova A.M., Kuznetsova V.V., Galanina A.V., Leushina N.P., Mischenko I.Y., Sizova O.G., Tarasova E.Y.

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