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Aim. To assess the risk degree of occurring portal genesis hemorrhages in patients with hepatic cirrhosis. Materials and methods. The method of assessment of esophageal vein pressure combining direct endoscopic investigation and ultrasonic scanning was developed using endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS). Measurement of esophageal varicose vein (EVV) pressure was performed in 16 patients (9 men, 7 women, mean age – 56 years) suffering from hepatic cirrhosis. Results. The pressure values in esophageal veins ranged from 410 mm of water column to 730 mm of water column. All patients with hemorrhage in anamnesis had pressure > 600 mm of water column. The fulfilled endoscopic ligation appeared to be ineffective in case of vein pressure >700 mm of water column. Esophageal vein pressure determined with the suggested method objectively reflects hypertension in the portal tract. Conclusion. The above method is a low-invasive procedure allowing to assess all the most significant risk factors of hemorrhage including varics value, changes in vein-covering mucosa, vascular wall thickness, vein pressure.

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Эндосонографическое измерение давления в венах пищевода – новая технология определения риска осложнений портальной гипертензии

About the authors

E R Olevskaya

Email: endo74@mail.ru


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Copyright (c) 2013 Olevskaya E.R.

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