2019: Proceedings of 2019 XVIII Russian Scientific and Practical Conference on Planning and Teaching Engineering Staff for the Industrial and Economic Complex of the Region (PTES)


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Strategic partnership of universities and industrial enterprises within the framework of smart city construction

Boronachin A., Shevchenko D., Glazova A.


Nowadays the issue of strategic management and planning of new urban areas and spaces is acute. This article analyses the cooperation of higher education and urban development companies in the framework of construction of the smart city. An example of closed coexisting system "the developer-city-university" is given below.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:3-6
pages 3-6 views

Quantitative assessment for training of senior scientific staff

Gurtov V., Shegoleva L., Dmitriev G.


The human society since ancient times has questions “Whom to teach?”, “What to teach?”, “How long to teach?”. The answers to these questions are changing along with the structure of human society, the structure of the economy. Currently, the economy requires qualified staff with a good education, and progress requires new technological ideas, the generators of which are representatives of the scientific community. Staff training for the scientific community is a separate complex and spending task. An insufficient number of graduated scientific staff entails inhibition in innovative development, and an oversupply of such graduates is a waste of state money and causes problems for the career path of the graduates themselves.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:7-10
pages 7-10 views

Electronic information and education environment as a training tool for resource-efficient management of polymer waste processing

Chistyakova T., Novozhilova I.


Industrial engineering of modern enterprises in order to modernize them, improve the quality of products and introduce new production management systems leads to the need to form highly qualified personnel support, which is especially important for processes of polymer waste processing in order to reduce environmental pollution and return valuable raw materials to production. For resource-saving control of polymer waste processing processes functional structure of electronic information and educational environment is proposed, which allows to form individual paths and to carry out practical-oriented training of specialists involved at each stage of life cycle of production of technical polymer products from secondary raw materials. The electronic information and educational environment proposed in the work was successfully tested on the basis of the training center “Polymer-ecology” of Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology with cooperation with LLC “Plastic processing plant named after “Komsomolskaya Pravda”. The use of the environment as a tool to ensure the quality of training of highly qualified personnel of polymer industry enterprises allows to increase the professional level of specialists in the field of development of composite polymer mixtures based on secondary polymer materials and technologies of their processing into technical products with improved environmental and consumer characteristics.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:11-14
pages 11-14 views

Continuous information support of the curriculum life cycle within the Digital University

Verkhova G., Akimov S.


The paper presents the concept of continuous information support of the life cycle of the curriculums within the digital University. This concept assumes complex automation of development and adjustment of working curricula, training programs, funds of estimated means, electronic educational resources, planning and distribution of educational loading, and support of educational process staff. The paper shows that introduction of continuous information support of the life cycle of curriculums will ensure the transition of the process of targeted training of highly qualified personnel to a qualitatively new level, will increase the degree of individualization of the educational process, will minimize routine work on the preparation of supporting documentation, create conditions for replication of the best educational practices.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:15-18
pages 15-18 views

Training of senior scientific and pedagogical staff: present state and problems

Berezhnaya Y., Gurtov V., Dmitriev G.


Postgraduate training as the third level of higher education is the main institution in the field of preparation of candidates of science, which ensure the reproduction of senior scientific staff. Implementation of measures aimed at optimizing the network of dissertation councils, increased demands to organizations at which are created dissertation councils, as well as to the performance of research activity of dissertation council’s members and quality of the presented dissertations. As a result, the number of defenses of dissertations for the degree of candidate of sciences in the period from 2015 to 2018 decreased from 12.5 thousand to 8.7 thousand defenses. At the same time was reduced the enrollment and graduation of graduate students. The paper aims to analyze the dynamics of the training processes and certification of candidates of sciences from the position of providing the economy with senior scientific staff.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:19-22
pages 19-22 views

Improving the process of training specialists in the development of program documentation based on automated assessment of the quality of skills formation

Fayzrakhmanov R., Polevshchikov I., Bobrova I.


The article is devoted to solving the problems of assessing the quality of software documentation in the training of software developers. Various CASE-tools are widely used at present to improve the efficiency of the software development process, including the preparation of documentation. However, it is necessary to improve methods and means of automating the formation of software development skills that contribute to improving quality and accelerating the learning process. The methodology for assessing the quality of the generated software documentation (on the example of the software testing process) in the course of students performing practical tasks is considered. The methodology is based on the use of mathematical methods, in particular, expert assessment methods. The article also describes a prototype of a subsystem (which is part of an automated training system) used to assess the quality of practical tasks. The advantage of applying this methodology when training at an enterprise is the ability to increase the level of professional skills, speed up the process of adaptation of young employees, and also (when evaluating experienced employees to perform real tasks) improve the quality of the documentation itself.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:23-27
pages 23-27 views

Artificial intelligence technologies in higher education institutions: a model of adaptive education

Bataev A., Bataeva K.


The world economic system is on the verge of the fourth technological order, the transition to which is caused by the widespread introduction of information and communication technologies in all areas of development. The introduction of innovative digital technologies has led to the digitalization of the economic sphere and the formation of a new economic sector - the digital economy, which is the driver of the development of the entire economic system today. One of the main areas of the digital economy is using cloud computing, big data, the implementation of cyber-physical systems, as well as the development of artificial intelligence systems. Innovative approaches in economic development are modern challenges for the entire education system, requiring the training of highly qualified specialists who can solve problems arising at the present stage of development. The development of innovative digital technologies not only transforms the entire system of economic relations but also allows formatting new innovative approaches in education, opening up new prospects for development. The approaches and possibilities of using artificial intelligence systems in the higher education system are analyzed in the paper, in connection with which a large-scale study of the global artificial intelligence market is carried out: its key parameters in the field of finance, the pace of development are determined; the main leaders in this field are identified. The directions of the application of artificial intelligence systems were analyzed in this study, within which it was determined that the field of education is one of the promising areas of application of these technologies. In education, adaptive student learning is one of the most popular sectors for the introduction of the technologies under consideration: it allows setting an individual learning path for each individual, based on the analysis and processing of training data for each student using artificial intelligence systems. In this regard, the conceptual model of an adaptive learning system using these technologies is considered and analyzed in the article. On the basis of the received information, it would allow to raise the quality of training of specialists in higher educational institutions to a new level.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:28-31
pages 28-31 views

Educational process digitalization: introduction of cloud laboratory complexes

Bataev A., Bataeva K.


Today’s world is a dynamic system in which development is determined by the large-scale implementation of information and communication technologies permeating all spheres of economic development. The introduction of digital technologies has led to the formation of a new direction in the economy - the digital economy, the drivers of which is Industry 4.0 and Fintech. Today, the most innovative technologies in the development of the digital economy are big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, cyber-physical systems that determine the main directions of modern development. Digital transformation of economic development not only requires new specialists who are able to develop and introduce innovative technologies, but also dictates the need for new approaches in the educational process itself. The transformation of the education sector through the introduction of new digital technologies, in particular, cloud computing is analyzed in the paper. Cloud computing technologies are widely used in all areas of development, in connection with this, a study of the global cloud computing market is conducted, and its key parameters are analyzed: financial volumes, growth rates, development prospects. Particular attention is paid to areas of using cloud technologies in the educational sphere, priority areas were identified, and their further implementation was assessed. One of the main opportunities for the use of cloud technologies in the educational process is the introduction and use of modern training laboratories of various orientation using cloud computing. The cloud automated banking system BISquit was introduced at the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great on the basis of the “Computer Technologies in Banking” laboratory. This system allows getting practical knowledge about financial institutions’ operation within the walls of an educational institution. The creation and implementation of such type of laboratory in the educational process is discussed in the article.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:32-35
pages 32-35 views

Early professional orientation of students: interaction mechanisms of HEI and industrial undertakings

Kustov T., Zhuravleva I., Markova O., Pukhova V.


Mechanisms of early professional orientation of students such as educational and on-site trainings, internships at high-tech enterprises, guided visits and presentations of enterprises, job fairs and career days are considered.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:36-38
pages 36-38 views

Analysis of changes of the content and forms of organization of the educational process in the conditions of the introduction of emergent technologies

Bolsunovskaya M., Volkova V., Loginova A., Shirokova S.


The influence of modern innovative technologies on the content and forms of the educational process is considered. The necessity of interdisciplinary knowledge is substantiated, which is important not only for training specialists in areas related to the development, selection and implementation of new technologies, but also for all specialties, since it helps to navigate the predicted new complex, mobile world of emergent technologies.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:39-42
pages 39-42 views

Conceptual framework of effective interaction between employers and universities on the basis of competence approach

Babikova A., Khanina A.


The given article is devoted to topical issues of searching the effective forms of partnership between employers and educational institutions. Actualization of innovative development on the background of the technological modernization of the economy, involves the growth of scientific interest in the study of new phenomena that determine the functioning of the labor market in both the individual regions of the country and as a whole in the context of description and systematization of factors that directly affect the efficiency of the industrial enterprises. Each technological change leads to a change in the characteristics of professions and employment. Digital economy requires the employee to obtain a specific set of competencies, which, at first glance, are not even peculiar to his profession. In this connection, the development of conceptual framework of interaction between employers and universities for the purpose of finding forms of strategic partnership on the basis of professional competencies formation, will help to identify a set of skills and knowledge necessary for the development of future employees to obtain the desired position.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:43-46
pages 43-46 views

European experience of university business cooperation for sustainable development

Viktorova E., Petrenko D., Gorulev D.


The article is devoted to the role of cooperation between universities and business in achieving Sustainable Development Goals. The programs and innovative strategies of the European Union aimed at stimulating cooperation are analyzed and presented. As a result, it was concluded that the “triple helix” is the most promising model of cooperation, the principles of which are the basis of the European programs “Knowledge Alliances” and “Knowledge and Innovation Communities”.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:47-49
pages 47-49 views

Structural transformation of staff educational system for nanoindustry

Desyatirikova E., Khripunov Y., Mager V.


The necessity of transforming the training system in the development of high-tech industries is shown. The decisive role of the state in the structural transformation of the training system for high-tech industries is established on the example of the nanoindustry. A number of solutions to provide personnel for nanoindustries developed by the RUSNANO Group are presented.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:50-53
pages 50-53 views

Personnel policy in terms of sustainable development of the region

Dzobelova V., Yadati A.


Today, one of the most important tasks in the Russian Federation is an acceleration of the economic development pace, the introduction of promising innovative projects in all spheres of production and services. In this regard, the need for highly qualified specialists is growing. It is impossible without continuous improvement of the system of education and quality its improvement. The article discusses relevant issues of highly qualified personnel training for the solution of problems in accordance with the socio-economic priorities of the development of North Ossetia-Alania. The role of regional science in terms of training perspective highly qualified personnel for the branches of the regional economy is shown. The main directions for improving the processes of training within the educational space and the innovation system of the republic are identified. The problem of personnel training for high-tech industries is one of the most relevant problems for modern socio-economic systems of any scale: from continuing education programs for industrial and production personnel of individual enterprises to strategies and training programs for personnel in regions and the state as a whole.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:54-57
pages 54-57 views

Training of skilled personnel under the conditions of digital economy

Dzobelova V.


The new era of digitization is accelerating, giving people not only great opportunities but also the problems associated with the transformation of the current system. The development of the digital economy in the coming years will significantly change the structure of the Russian labor market. This will cause a significant increase in their staffing with specialists of appropriate qualifications, the calculation of the needs of which should correspond to the real demands of the labor market. The article describes the main trends in the development of the system of training and advanced training under the conditions of the digital economy. The paper provides the directions of the labor market development and modernization of the Russian education system based on the study of domestic and foreign experience.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:58-61
pages 58-61 views

Education and business in the Industry 4.0

Zashchitina E., Pavlov P.


Under the conditions of Industry 4.0, much attention is beginning to be paid to such trends of the modern economy development as competitiveness, innovation, labor productivity, knowledge economy, and the digital economy. The purpose of the study is to analyze and propose the most effective mechanisms of interaction between higher education institutions and companies that would allow achieving a synergistic effect. The scientific novelty of this study consists in examining the essence of economic processes currently operating in the world economy through the prism of the features of higher education, and in developing a number of recommendations, including on building intellectual capital and building close ties between education and business that would allow on the one hand, to increase the competitiveness of enterprises, and on the other, the competitiveness of higher education institutions in the world market. The paper presents the following research methods - systemic method, statistical method, graphical method, analogy method.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:62-65
pages 62-65 views

The problem of quality management in higher education: contrasting views of the teacher and the university

Zvyagin L.


The problems of quality management of higher education in Russia are considered. There are two system levels of quality – at the macro level (branch of higher education) and micro level (University). Based on the analysis of higher education, the objective components of the quality of higher education at the macro level, including the structure of training of employees with higher education in areas of knowledge and levels of education, are revealed. It is shown that for mass higher education required by modern society, the quality of the University means the quality of its educational environment. The basic requirements for the educational environment of the University, which set the main directions of its improvement, as well as possible ways to improve the criteria and approaches of education authorities to control and manage the quality of mass University are formulated.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:66-69
pages 66-69 views

University information environment: the case study

Lavrov E., Paderno P., Volosiuk A., Pan N., Lavrova O.


The paper considers the issues of digitalized control of the university. The causes for the low efficiency of university digitalization development are revealed. Among the main issues are patchwork digitalization and ignoring the principles of modern quality management systems. The concept of designing an effective university information environment based on the philosophy of universal quality management, the methodology of integrated information systems, the principles of an active operator, adaptability and the human-system approach are described. The paper presents the university management information system tested at 20 universities in Russia and Ukraine. The system is useful not only to the university, but also to enterprises, since (1) it provides a higher quality of training, allowing creating “training paths” with production specifics taken into account, and (2) guarantees access to information about a future specialist.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:70-73
pages 70-73 views

Business model as an effective concept for the development of strategic thinking skills of managers in universities and enterprises partnerships

Strekalova N., Korchagina E., Korchagina D.


The article is devoted to the problem of applying a business model for developing strategic thinking skills in a partnership between universities and industrial enterprises. The strategic thinking is a key competence of enterprise managers in modern conditions. However, there is still no complete clarity on how to develop it. The tasks of developing strategic thinking of managers can be successfully solved through design and application of business models. The use of strategic partnerships between universities and enterprises in this process allows us to improve the quality of training and ensure its relevance to the Russian business practice. The article proposes an integrated approach for the strategic thinking skills development based on the use of business models. The process model was developed and tested in the training groups of the masters of management and practicing managers. Positive dynamics was revealed in the development of strategic thinking skills, as well as an increase in the level of student satisfaction. The results of this work can be interested for business education, and may also be useful in management practice for strategic sessions holding.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:74-77
pages 74-77 views

Online course as a tool to ensure the quality of training highly qualified personnel: problems and prospects of use

Korchagina E., Korchagina D., Strekalova N.


Nowadays online education is developing rapidly and gradually replacing the traditional format of education. This is due to a number of fundamental advantages of online courses: a geographic accessibility, a convenient training format, and low cost. These advantages allow enterprises to train their specialists at the best universities educational programs without interruption of production process, in the convenient time and place, and also save money for such training. At the same time, statistics show that even on the leading online education platforms, the number of students who successfully complete their online courses is extremely small. This is due to a number of shortcomings and limitations of online learning. The paper presents the results of a study of the Russian student’s online learning experience and attitude. The research results allow us to identify the limitations of online learning and offer special measures to overcome them in order to improve the quality of training of highly qualified personnel.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:78-81
pages 78-81 views

Students’ soft skills as a factor of their professional competitiveness improvement

Lozovoy A., Zashchitina E., Nazvanova I.


This paper discusses the issues regarding the soft skills needful for a future career. Therefore, a deep analysis of the best soft skills training practices both Russian and foreign was made. The paper shows scientific and innovative methods and mechanisms developed for the improvement of soft skills within the framework of modern educational technologies.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:82-85
pages 82-85 views

Technological development of Russia: HR policy, digital transformation, Industry 4.0

Olisaeva A.


The article discusses the technological development of Russia in terms of personnel policy, digital transformation of the economy, and the promotion of Industry 4.0. The perspective directions of economic development are considered: personnel and education; formation of research competencies and technical groundwork; information infrastructure, exchange of technology and theoretical knowledge.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:86-89
pages 86-89 views

Analysis of emotional intelligence for the intellectual capital growth

Pokrovskaia N., Snisarenko S., Safronova J., Brazevich D.


The study of factors of organizational intellectual capital development is based on the analysis of both rational and emotional components of internal organizational processes and external communications with partners and customers. The analysis of emotional intelligence shows a number of positive effects that should be used in planning business processes. Socio-psychological methods of interrogation and tests give unstable results, the emotional intelligence assessment needs repetition to obtain significant and valuable conclusions or requires additional methods such as interviews, as implemented in the presented study. The article shows the correlation between the type of employment and the emotional intelligence of employees. Recommendations are given on the use of the analysis of emotional intelligence for the development of organizational processes in a company and the improvement of the organization’s intellectual capital management system based on the inclusion of both cognitive-rational elements of knowledge, including formalized data and practices, in the analysis of intellectual capital, and affective and emotional elements that determine organizational components of intellectual capital and improvement of business-processes.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:90-93
pages 90-93 views

Forms of employment of highly qualified industry professionals: the impact of labor precarity on intellectual capital

Pokrovskaia N., Burova N., Konoplyannik T.


The development of the labor market and increased mobility of human resources allowed companies to move to a wider application of flexible management methods. The proliferation of new forms of employment has led to both positive results related to the expansion of opportunities for individual self-realization and the growth of independence and responsibility for personal, professional and socio-institutional growth, as well as to the negative consequences, especially precarization. Unsustainable employment, instability of income and of the sphere of activity, precariousness of employment as a form of structuring time and as a source of satisfying needs reflect the negative aspects of precarization, which today directly affect the sphere of education. Investing in human capital, primarily in the formation of an individual, is based on the long-term reasoning, and the unpredictability of return on investment (ROI) casts doubt on the formation of highly qualified personnel, especially in the field of changing high-tech industries with rapid innovative growth. The spread of partial employment, freelance, projects’ work, the implementation of point orders under one-time contracts in the field of highly qualified industrial personnel increases the risk of loss of interest of the country's population in the formation of skills and knowledge, especially in engineering and technical fields with high requirements for cognitive practices, which is threat to the growth of intellectual capital of industrial enterprises, the region and the country as a whole.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:94-97
pages 94-97 views

Improving the courses of educational programs on information security smart grid

Olifirov A., Makoveichuk K., Petrenko S.


Smart Grids (SGs) represent a new concept in the development of electric power infrastructure in a digital economy. Existing courses, educational programs in such a situation do not always meet the requirements of the new concept and do not allow the formation of the necessary new competencies. This article provides recommendations for improving educational activities based on the risk analysis of the electricity company and compiling a competency map for an educational program for training personnel in the field of security risk management for SG.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:98-101
pages 98-101 views

Formation of the engineering staff training system for military shipbuilding in Leningrad higher education institutions (1920–1930)

Polovinkin V., Fedulov S., Barbanel B., Riaskov I.


As a result of the cataclysms caused by the First World War, the Civil War, the revolution, and the intervention, shipbuilding enterprises lost qualified engineering staff. The state staff training system required the reorganization. Historically, Leningrad was the leading research center of the country, where the country's leading educational institutions were located. Therefore, the city became the place for organization of training system for military shipbuilding. Firstly, the Naval Academy established the Military Industrial Department, and then civilian universities and the Naval Engineering School started training staff for the shipbuilding industry.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:102-104
pages 102-104 views

Providing with training of IT-personnel for high-tech industrial enterprises in the digitalization of social-economic systems

Melnikova A., Eltsova M., Mikhailov A.


The paper is focused on studying issues of IT education, training IT personnel and implementing an IT career in the industrial and economic segment, taking into account the current paradigm of Industry 4.0 and preparation for the formation of Industry 5.0. The scheme of the implementing the stages of education and / or advanced training of employees in the digitalization of industrial and economic systems has been compiled and analyzed . We identified problems related to the lack of vocational education in the personnel elevator.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:105-107
pages 105-107 views

Monitoring system for the demand of specialists in the sphere of subsurface management

Dubrovskaya Y., Sidorenko S., Novozhilov I.


The article shows a solution of the problem of employment of graduates by creating a geographic information system for monitoring of the available vacancies. The authors present a program for working with the Panorama cartographic system, in which was developed a geographic information system containing information on the current vacancies of the city of Kislovodsk.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:108-110
pages 108-110 views

Forecasting of the specialities demand in the sector of mineral resources of the labor market

Ilyushina A., Afanasyev P., Novozhilov I., Voznesensky A.


The article observes the issue of forecasting and creating a predictive model based on data obtained as a result of expert evaluation. Authors introduce a calculation technique and implement an experimental calculation of the demand for one factor (specialty or group of specialty) within the framework of a general request of the labor market.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:111-113
pages 111-113 views

Transformation of training in the digitalization of the Russian economy

Zvontsov A., Fomina I.


The article deals with the issues related to changing requirements for the organization and implementation of targeted training in the conditions of digital transformation of enterprises of the national economy.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:114-116
pages 114-116 views

Features of staffing for a high-tech industrial enterprise: problems and solutions

Vetrova E., Khakimova G., Komarov A., Vashchillo A.


The education system is becoming global in nature, covering not only the traditional exchange of students and teachers, but also issues of cross-border investment and competition of universities in the global educational services market, participation and (or) initiation by employers of new educational programs, considering the changing requirements of professional standards, etc. A modern industrial enterprise is high-tech and the role of the technological factor is increasing. This makes special demands on his staffing. The existing education system often lags the increasing pace of technological change. This is due to both the conservatism of the system and its personnel, material and technical and information support. Therefore, the problems of training young specialists for the modern labor market are being updated. The purpose of the study: to identify the problems of the modern labor market for a high-tech enterprise and propose a solution to these problems based on increased interaction between these enterprises and educational institutions. Methodology: systemic, strategic, comparative and statistical analysis, questioning method.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:117-120
pages 117-120 views

Adaptation of managers and specialists in the conditions of the Arctic region

Bogachev V., Veretennikov N.


The article explores the training system for managers and specialists as an element of the infrastructure of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF) and the necessary precondition for its successful functioning. Special aspects of the work of specialists in the Arctic region are analyzed, related to severe climatic, environment, and production conditions, underdevelopment of communication, infrastructure and logistics and high socio-psychological and emotional load. The structure and content of the work of specialists and production managers’ efforts are revealed as the basis of curricula and programs for their preparation, retraining and advanced training. The examples of modern methodological developments that allow improving the educational process are given. The article cites as an example the experience of specific educational institutions in which managers of the various levels were inculcated with the special professional management skills and at the same time they were provided with the knowledge of a specialist in a particular industry. There is a critics of management of the existing training system and advanced training of managers, expressed in the unfounded unificationtion of economic universities and the termination of economic specialties at universities, in the framework of which professional managers were trained. The liquidation of the unique management school of Saint Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics and the сlosing of the economic specialization at Murmansk State Technical University have been pointed as an example.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:121-123
pages 121-123 views

Risk management in the formation of personnel providing investment development of the region (on the example of the Far Eastern Federal District)

Veretennikov N., Yankovskaya K., Kulagina O.


The article substantiates the need for risk analysis and management when developing educational programs for the training of specialists in newly formed industries in the Far Eastern Federal District. The possibilities of educational institutions to meet the needs of newly formed industries are settled, for example, a mining and processing plant in the Jewish Autonomous Region, a metallurgical plant in the Amur Region and a network of gas and oil pipelines laid across the territory of a number of Far Eastern entities. The main provisions on risk management in the training of personnel for newly formed industries are determined, and how this will affect the investment development of the regions.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:124-126
pages 124-126 views

Implementation of the “Frugal Innovation” concept in training of masters in innovations

Brusakova I., Kosukhina M., Fomin V.


The article presents the main competencies formed during the study within the frames of the master's program in the field of "Innovations" in the conditions of the "Frugal Innovations" concept. Smart cost technologies are integrated into the disciplines of the master's program for trends in breakthrough growth strategies, in order to active iterative interaction, the wise use of production capacities and resources, to improve the development of environmentally friendly and resource-saving solutions, and to implement the cultivation of a cycle economy. The article lists the acquired competencies and annotations of disciplines on the trends of “frugal Innovations”.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:127-129
pages 127-129 views

Approaches to the assessment and development of digital competence of personnel of innovative industrial enterprises

Petrova A., Lashmanova N., Kosukhina M.


According to the recommendations of the European Parliament, computer literacy is recognized as one of the 8 key competencies of the 21st century. The article discusses the evolution of the concept of digital competence, its key components, characteristics, levels, types, approaches to assessment. The mutual influence of the development of digital competence of personnel and the evolution of the personnel function of the organization, as well as their influence on the criteria for the effectiveness of digital transformations of an innovative industrial enterprise, is analyzed. Approaches to improving methods for evaluating and developing digital competency are proposed.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:130-133
pages 130-133 views

Problem solving as a mandatory requirement for «Quality Management» specialist

Prelovskaya O., Semenov V.


Problem solving as a part of Quality Management System (QMS) requires special attention for effective QMS operating. Proposed competitive company formula demonstrates important role of skilled company staff. Overview of «Quality Management» specialist requirements and functional responsibilities verifies required problem solving skills. Short summary of the main problem solving methods.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:134-136
pages 134-136 views

Application of the quality management methods and tools in the operation of electrical equipment

Semenov V., Riaskov I.


The basic quality management methods and tools widely accepted in various types of international organizations are considered. These methods can be successfully used in today's environment in domestic organizations during the electrical equipment operation and the other product life cycle stages. Recommendations on the use of various management and engineering quality tools are presented.

Планирование и обеспечение подготовки кадров для промышленно-экономического комплекса региона. 2019;:137-138
pages 137-138 views

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