Comparative analysis of the implementation of the programs of sustainable development of the SIPN in the Northernand Arctic regions of Russia and the world

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In the last decade, in connection with the industrial development of the northern and Arctic territories, the question arises of preserving the original unique culture of the indigenous peoples of the North (Indigenous Peoples of the North), leading a tribal and semi-tribal way of life. Topical in the light of the increased importance of the Arctic territories of the northern countries today are the issues of protecting the social rights of the indigenous peoples, including the preservation of traditional nature management and the life of ethno-cultural communities. Since the late 1980s to date, important international legal acts have been adopted regarding peoples leading a tribal and nomadic lifestyle: International Convention No. 169 of the International Labor Organization (1989); Kari-Oka Declaration and Charter of the World's Aboriginal Peoples (1992); UN Convention on Biological Diversity (1993); United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007). These legal acts significantly increased the rating of the indigenous peoples of the North, raising the problem of their preservation to the level of global importance, and necessitated the development of a support policy. Let us consider the experience of supporting indigenous peoples on the example of countries where the proportion of such a population occupies a significant share (Canada and Norway), as well as the experience of the northern territories of Russia.

About the authors

Oksana N. Mikhailyuk

Ural State Mining University

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Strategic and Production Management

Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg

Elena M. Burundukova

Yugra State University


Candidate of Economic Sciences, Director of the Institute of Digital Economy

Russian Federation, Khanty-Mansiysk


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