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Infertility is a common clinical and a public problem. It affects 13% to 15% of couples worldwide. Today, many patients do not receive the recommended medical care that based on the best available evidence. This paper, as a comprehensive review, deploys a new strategy to translate the research findings and evidence-based recommendations into a simplified focused guide to be applied on routine daily practice. It is an approach to disseminate the recommended medical care of infertile couple to the practicing clinicians. According to the literature survey, the most common causes of infertility are: male factor such as sperm abnormalities, female factor such as ovulation dysfunction and tubal pathology, combined male and female factors and unexplained infertility; where no obvious cause could be detected. Treatment begins with the reasons for having a high priority. Initially eliminate anatomical changes, then the functionality. The paper presents a clinical case of successful pregnancy after combined treatment of the couple.


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Copyright (c) 2010 Levakov S.A., Pavlova S.A., Bugrova T.I., Kedrova A.G.

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