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The article presents the method of definition of the forecast of current in aplastic anemia patients after splenectomy, based on morphometric analysis of functional zones of a spleen in histologic cuts at painting by hematoxylin and eosine. At an estimation of a preparation in a light microscope by means of the computer program calculated the average area of a white pulp, further calculated its weight. Reduction in weight of a white pulp of a spleen below 10,0 g testifies to the favorable forecast of current aplastic anemia, increase - more than 10,0 g specifies adverse current of disease. This method is allows to solve differently the indications for immunosuppressive treatment of patients with given pathology after splenectomy.


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Copyright (c) 2014 Fedorovskaya N.S., Diakonov D.A., Fedorovskaya N.A., Pankov V.N.

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