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The prevalence of sudden cardiac death in the United States and European countries is very high, reaching 1‰ in population. Its share in the total mortality rate is around 13%, in the structure of cardiovascular mortality - about 40%. The lack of official statistics and large multicenter studies in our country do not allow us to estimate the true extent of the problem, but based on the calculated data, we can suppose that annually 200-250 thousand people died suddenly in Russian Federation. This question becomes especially important in working age population - the most significant economic and social part of society. In this population the proportion of sudden cardiac mortality can exceed 50%, and the features of nosological structure require different approaches for prevention, both at individual and population level.


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Copyright (c) 2014 Boytsov S.A., Linchak R.M., Nedbaykin A.M., Sementsova E.V., Yusova I.A., Strukova I.V.

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