Vol 13, No 3 (2017)

Cover Page


Electrophysical properties of oxide bronze NAxWO3

Bikberdina N.Y., Boronenko M.P., Gulyaev P.Y., Yunusov R.D.


Experimentally determined regularities of the formation of the electrophysical properties of nanoparti- cles of oxide bronzes. Samples of oxide bronzes were obtained by self-propagating high-temperature synthe- sis. Then the samples were subjected to mechanical crushing. Measured conductivity of the samples during heating. Created a special measurement cell for powder materials. Created automated experimental stand. On the experimental test bench conducted a comparative assessment of effective energy of activation of pro- cesses of deintercalation of alkali metal ions in the powders.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(3):7-11
pages 7-11 views

Siliceous-opal raw material of akreshevsky plot (KHMAD-Yugra) and its detailed mineral granulometric composition

Semechkova L.V., Nesterova L.L.


Granulometric composition was defined for gravel-sandy siliceous-opal raw material of Akreshevsky plot (KhMAD- Yugra) and mineralogical-petrographic composition of sifted sandy fraction.Overwhelming majority of sample throughout plot contains gaize-tripolite rocks of siliceous-opal matter which ranging from 13 % to 62 %, on average 33 % throughout plot. Usage similar siliceous deposits by way of diverse sorbents can contribute to the improvement of the ecological situation in our district.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(3):12-20
pages 12-20 views

Composition and molecular-sorption properties of the zeolite tuff of the depositnear the Great Lulya river

Smorodinova T.N., Kotvanova M.K.


The elemental and phase composition of the natural zeolite tuff of the deposit near the Great Lulya river have been studied. The molecular sieve properties of zeolite tuff under dynamic conditions on model mix- tures of C6-C14 hydrocarbons have been studied. The possibility of separation of hydrocarbons of a normal and branched structure is shown. Thus, one more area of application of natural regional raw materials has been revealed.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(3):21-25
pages 21-25 views

The results of sociological research of questions of labour migration on the territory of Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous okrug – Ugra

Burundukova E.M., Rod Y.S., Khromtsova L.S.


The article presents the results of a sociological study conducted on the territory of the Khanty- Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, whose goal was to study the opinion of the population, migrants, ex- perts and employers on the current migration situation in the region.As a subject of research, migration processes in the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra are taking place.The practical importance obtained in the course of the study of the results lies in their direct use by the state authorities of the Autonomous Okrug during the strategic analysis and forecasting of migratory labor flows in the territory of Ugra, as well as the preparation of an action plan for regulating migration processes in the Autonomous Okrug during the crisis and stable periods .The scientific significance of the research is to obtain representative information about the migration situation that has developed in the district.The main methods of the study were empirical methods (methods of collecting sociological information: a survey by questionnaire, observation, analysis of documents, etc.).As a result of the study, the main problems of migration processes occurring in the district were identi- fied. Measures aimed at improving the migration situation in Ugra are proposed.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(3):29-35
pages 29-35 views

The analysis of institutional conditions and factors of development of the construction industry of the Khanty-Mansi autonomous area – Yugra

Shubina V.I., Islamutdinov V.F.


This article describes the factors influencing the development of the construction industry of the Khan- ty-Mansiysk Autonomous area - Yugra. from the point of view of institutional approach. In the article the analysis of federal and regional normative legal base regulating the relations of the "major players" in the construction industry, as well as the organizational structure and development institution of industry.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(3):36-48
pages 36-48 views


Verzhbitskiy M.A.


In the article we consider inverse problems for convective heat transfer models. We determine un- knowns occurring in the boundary conditions together with a solution to a parabolic second order system. The overdetermination conditions are integrals of a solution with weight. The existence and uniqueness theo- rems of solutions to this inverse problem is established.
Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(3):51-59
pages 51-59 views

Development of SCADA-system for electronic load control

Godovnikov E.A., Usmanov R.T.


This article describes an automated electronic load control system. The peculiarity of this system is the unifi- cation of instrumental means intended for scientific research with the technologies of industrial automation.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(3):60-63
pages 60-63 views

Means of the analysis of the SHS process on the basis of the chronographic and topographic presentations of thermal imaging data

Dolmatov A.V., Berestok G.M.


The paper presents the means for measuring the spatial and temporal coherence of temperature in the microregions of a wave of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) and revealing the relationship between the events of ignition of individual foci. The method for determining the parameters of the thermal wave structure of the synthesis is based on the chronographical and topographical representation of micro- thermal data in the form of maps that visualize the ergodicity of the SHS process and facilitate the recogni- tion of individual foci of burning on thermal imaging images. The ergodicity of the phenomenon is used in the method to determine the time of induction of the combustion sites, the time of their growth, the growth rate of the foci tangentially to the front of the SHS wave, the size of the foci in the direction of the normal to the front. The technique is implemented in the form of software integrated into the original micro thermal imaging complex. Approbation of the method is represented by the results of experimental studies of the Ni + Al + NiAl system with a variation in the fraction and dispersity of the inert additive. The error in measuring the normal velocity of the SHS front of the wave with the proposed technique was 0.05 %.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(3):64-73
pages 64-73 views

Topological and semantic images analysis

Samarina O.V.


In this paper we investigate method of the digital images topological and semantic analysis based on the Morse theory. The description of the MathLab program module for calculation of statistically significant critical points for single-channel image is also submitted.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(3):74-77
pages 74-77 views


Semenov S.P., Slavsky V.V., Tashkin A.O.


The article describes the application of the possibilities of the theory of simulation modeling to create a conceptual model of a geoinformation resource, oriented for people with disabilities. Produced description and domain analysis determined GIS elements for geowheel.ru, and their functional interaction principles, features and characteristics of the input and output variables, introduced constraints. The structure- functional and logical schemes of the system model are created.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2017;13(3):78-85
pages 78-85 views

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