
Acta Naturae


Acta Naturae

Peer-review Journal for Life Sciences.
Publish quarterly since 2009 in Open Access.
Editor-in-Chief: professor A.G. Gabibov.
Indexation: Web of Science Core Collection, SCOPUS, PubMed Central, Russian Science Citation Index, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodicals directory, WorldCat.
ISSN 2075-8251 (Print ENG) | ISSN 2075-8243 (Print RUS)

Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University


Bulletin of Nizhnevartovsk State University

Peer-review academic journal.
Editor-in-Chief: PhD, Professor Sergey I. Gorlov
Publications: quarterly (4 tymes per year) in Open Access (СС BY NC ND 4.0) with no APC.
Indexation: Russian Science Citation Index, DOAJ, Google Scholar, CyberLeninka, SocioNet, Index Copernicus, BASE, IPRbooks, Open Academic Journals Index, Open Ukrainian Citation Index, MIAR, German Union Catalogue of Serials (ZDB), ZENODO, OpenAIRE, AGRIS
ISSN 2311-1402 (Print) ISSN 2686-8784 (Online)

Ecological genetics


Ecological genetics

Medical and biology peer-review journal.
Editor-in-ChiefSergei G. Inge-Vechtomov
Frequency: 4 issues per year, since 2003.
Indexation: SCOPUS, РИНЦ, Russian Science Citation Index, Google Scholar, CrossRef, WorldCat, SciLit, OpenAlexDimensionsABCDFatCatSciLit, Scholia, Wikidata
ISSN 1811-0932 (Print), 2411-9202 (Online) 

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology)


Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology)

Peer-review journal for practitioners and researchers.
Editor-in-Chief: Tatiana N. Unguryanu, MD, PhD. 
Indexing: Russian Science Citation Index, SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodical directory, Cyberleninka.
Publishes monthly from 1994 in Open Access. 
ISSN: 1728-0869 (Print)

Environmental Dynamics and Global Climate Change


Environmental Dynamics and Global Climate Change

Рeer-review academic journal. Main fields: biology; geography; agriculture and forestry; Environment protection; human ecology

Editor-in-Cheif: Glagolev M.V., PhD; Lapshina E.D., PhD.М.В. 

Indexing: Russian Science Citation Index, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodical directory, EBSCO.

Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Multidisciplinary peer-review journal.
Editor-in-Chief: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of RAS, professor Grechnikov Fedor V. 
Indexing: Russian Science Citation Index, WorldCat, Google Scholar,Ulrich's Periodicls Directory.
ISSN: 2658-4816 (Print).

Journal of microbiology, epidemiology and immunobiology


Journal of microbiology, epidemiology and immunobiology

Peer-review medical journal.

Editor-in-Chief: Vitaly V. Zverev, Dr.Sci. (Biology), Professor, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Indexation: SCOPUS, DOAJ, ULRICHS PERIODICAL DIRECT, Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), EBSCO, WorldCat, Google Scholar, CYBERLENINKA, RUCONT.

Open Access & Publication frequency: Diamond Open Access; 6 issues annualy; Online First; CC BY license.

Peer-Review & APC: double blind; no article processing charges.

ISSN 0372-9311 (Print) ISSN 2686-7613 (Online)

Journal of Samara State Technical University, Ser. Physical and Mathematical Sciences


Journal of Samara State Technical University, Ser. Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Peer-review academic journal for Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics, Mechanics of Deformable Solids, Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Software Systems.
Publish quarterly since 1996 in Open Access with no APCs.
Editor-in-Chief: PhD, Professor Vladimir P. Radchenko.
Indexing: RSCI (Web of Science), eLibrary.ru, Cyberleninka, Google Scholar, OCLC WorldCat, BASE, OpenAIRE, RePEc, Socionet, СyberLeninka.ru, Math-Net.ru
ISSN: 1991-8615 (Print); ISSN: 2310-7081 (Online)

Mathematics, Economics and Management


Mathematics, Economics and Management

Peer-review academic journal.

Publish quarterly since 2015 in Open Access.

Editor-in-Chief: Vladimir D. Bogatyrev, PhD, Professor.

IndexationRussian Science Citation Index, Google Scholar, WorldCat, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory

ISSN 2411-5452 (Print)




Peer-review medical and biological journal.

Editor-in-Chief: Ass. professor Roman V. Deev, MD, Cand. Sci. (Med.).

Indexation: Russian Science Citation Index, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Dimensions, Crossref.

Open Access & Publication frequency: Hybrid — Subscription & Open Access; quarterly issuing.

Peer-Review & APC: double blind; no obligatory article processing charge.

ISSN: 1026-3543 (Print) ISSN: 2949-2556 (Online)

Nauka Yuga Rossii


Nauka Yuga Rossii

Scientific peer-reviewed journal
Editor-in-Chief: Gennady G. Matishov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor.
Published: 4 issues per year, since 2004.
Indexing: Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), Google Scholar, ZooBank (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature), Zoological Record (Thomson Reuters), CrossRef.
ISSN 2500-0640 (Print)

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems


Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems

Peer-review academic journal on physics.

Editor-in-Chief: Dmitry S. Kluev, Dr.Sci (physics), associate professor.

Indexation: Rissian Science Citation Index, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, WorldCat.

Publication: quarterly in Gold Open Access (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International).

ISSN: 1810-3189 (Print)




Popular scientific journal of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Editor-in-Chief: Aleksey V. Lopatin, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences.
Indexation: RSCI, Google Scholar, CrossRef, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS).
Frequency of publication: 12 issues per year; publishes since 1912.
ISSN 0032-874X (Print)

Proceedings of young scientists and specialists of the Samara University


Proceedings of young scientists and specialists of the Samara University

Peer-review academic journal.
Publish semiannualy in Open Access.
Editor-in-Chief: A.B. Prokofyev, PhD, Professor
Indexation: Google Scholar
ISSN 2311-4576 (Print)

Russian Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics


Russian Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics

Peer-review medical scholarly journal.
Publish monthly since 1955.
Editor-in-Chief: professor T.V. Vavilova.
Indexation: Russian Science Citation Index, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodicals directory, Dimensions, Crossref.
ISSN 0869-2084 (Print) ISSN 2412-1320 (Online)

Samara Journal of Science


Samara Journal of Science

Peer-review academic journal for biology, history science and education science.
Editor-in-Chief: doctor of historical sciences, professor Oleg Dmitrievich Mochalov.
Publiches since 2012 in Gold Open Access with no APC.
: Russian Index Science Citation (eLibrary.ru), Google Scholar, Crossref, WorldCat, CyberLeninka.
ISSN: 2309-4370 (Print), 2782-3016 (Online).

Vestnik of Samara University. Natural Science Series


Vestnik of Samara University. Natural Science Series

Peer-review academic journal.

Publish quarterly since 1994 in Open Access.

Editor-in-Chief: Evgeniy V. Shakhmatov, PhD, Professor.

Индексация: Russian Science Citation Index, zbMATH, MATHSCINET, Google Scholar, WorldCat, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Cyberleninka

ISSN 2541-7525 (Print)

Yugra State University Bulletin


Yugra State University Bulletin

Рeer-review academic journal. Main fields: economic sciences; Earth Sciences; technical sciences.
Editor-in-Cheif: Valery F. Lapshin, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor,
Indexing: Russian Science Citation Index, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodical directory, WorldCat, Cyberleninka, ЭБС "Лань"
ISSN: 1816-9228 (Print) ISSN: 2078-9114 (Online)

Zemlâ i vselennaâ


Zemlâ i vselennaâ

Peer-review popular science journal.

Editor-in-Chief: Lev Zelenyi, academician of RAS .

Indexation: Russian Science Citation Index, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Dimensions, Crossref.

Access & Publication frequency: Subscription, bimonthly issuing.

Peer-Review & APC: double blind; no article processing charge.

ISSN: 0044-3948 (Print) 
