
Гинзбургъ, М.

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卷 12, 编号 3 (1898) Articles Post-operative Haemorrhage from Nipping of the Ligature after Removal of diseased tubes and ovaries; and how to prevent it. PDF
卷 9, 编号 3 (1895) Articles Dr. J. C. Edgar. Prolonged, non obstructed Labor in the first stage; its Management. - (New-Iork medic. Journal, 12 / v 94, p. 582-585). - Carrying out a prolonged first period of labor without mechanical obstacles PDF
卷 9, 编号 3 (1895) Articles Dr. W. S. James. Prolonged gestation. (New-Jork medical Journal, Sept. 15, 94, p. 343). Prolonged pregnancy PDF
卷 9, 编号 3 (1895) Articles Dr. Tucker. Caesarean section. Obstruction overcam by Washing out Stomach. (Britsh med. Journ., 1894, 28 / iv, p. 67) Caesar section. Intestinal obstruction, cured by gastric lavage PDF
卷 9, 编号 3 (1895) Articles Dr. Bodilly. Puerperal Erythema simulating scarlat Fewer. (British med. Journ., 1894, 17 / w). Postpartum erythematous rash that appeared to be scarlet fever PDF
卷 9, 编号 3 (1895) Articles Legry and Dubrisay. Streptococcie infection of the fetus through the moutt during labor (Teratologie, 1884, vol. II, no. 1, p. 50). Infection of the fetus with streptococci during childbirth, penetrated through the mouth of the child PDF
卷 9, 编号 3 (1895) Articles Morau. Experimental researches on the transmissibility of certain neoplasms. (Teratologie 1894, vol. II, № 1, p. 53). Экспериментальныя изслѣдованія о наслѣдственности нѣкоторыхъ новообразованій PDF
卷 9, 编号 3 (1895) Articles D-r Eccles. Monocular fetus. (British. Med. Journ., 1894 "14 / VI, p. 802). One-eyed embryo PDF
卷 9, 编号 3 (1895) Articles Gersuni's operation for incontinence of urine in women. (New-Iork med. Journ., 2 / VI 94, p. 704). Surgery Gersuni for the treatment of urinary incontinence in women PDF
卷 9, 编号 3 (1895) Articles Dr. Gordon Cribb. 25 Cases of abdominal Section. (The Australasian medical Gazette, 1894, VII, p. 230 et seq.). 25 laporatomies PDF
卷 9, 编号 3 (1895) Articles D-r Way. (Adelaide, in Australia). Ectopic gestation, ruptured left Fallopian tube, haemato-salpynx of the right tube of same patient. (The Avstralasian medical Gazette, 1894, IX, p. 299). Ectopic pregnancy, rupture of the left Fallopian tube and hemorrhage in the right tube PDF
卷 9, 编号 3 (1895) Articles D-r Strand. Submucous Fibromyoma together with tuboovarian desease mistaken for multiple fibroids of the uterus; hysterectomie; recovery. (The American Journ. Of Obstetrics etc., 1894, I, p. 112). Submucous fibroids with changes in the uterine appendages, mistaken for multiple interstitial fibroids. The operation, which ended in recovery PDF
卷 12, 编号 5 (1898) Articles Forceps with adjustable axis-Traction PDF
卷 12, 编号 5 (1898) Articles Version or High Forceps PDF
卷 12, 编号 5 (1898) Articles Surgical Cases in Dr. Kelsey’s clinic at the New Iork post graduate Hospital, during the session of 1895—1896 PDF
卷 12, 编号 5 (1898) Articles Ruptura of the uterus of ter version; Porro-operation; Recovery PDF
卷 12, 编号 5 (1898) Articles Antiseptic Midwifery PDF
卷 12, 编号 5 (1898) Articles Congenital absence of the rectum in a child three and a half days old PDF
卷 12, 编号 5 (1898) Articles А marked Result in the Treatment of Puerperal Sepsis obtained by the Use of Serum; also Two Failures of the same Mothod of Treatment PDF
卷 12, 编号 5 (1898) Articles Antistreptococcic Serum in a Case of Acute Puerperal Lymphangitis and phlebitis PDF
卷 12, 编号 5 (1898) Articles Panhysterectomy PDF
卷 12, 编号 5 (1898) Articles Deathaster Ovariotomy, the Value of Flushing Without Drainage of the peritoneal Cavity PDF
卷 9, 编号 6 (1895) Articles Dr. Paul Swain. - The Treatment of uterine Fibroids by abdominal section. (British Medical Journal., 21 / VII, 1894, p. 116), Treatment of uterine fibroids by gastrointestinal surgery PDF
卷 9, 编号 6 (1895) Articles Dr. Joseph Eve Allen. — The aseptic Dressing of the Umbilical Stump. (Americ. Journ. Of obstetrics, 1894, IV, pp. 457-461). Aseptic cord ligation PDF
卷 9, 编号 6 (1895) Articles Dr. A. H. Buckmaster. — The Vaginal Anus and its Treatment, as illustraded by the Report of a Case and a Suggestion for a Method of Forming an artificial Sphincter. (New-Iork Med. Journ., 1894, 11 / VIII, pp. 168-176). Anus vaginalis and its treatment from one case report and a plan for the formation of an artificial sphincter PDF
卷 9, 编号 4 (1895) Articles Is strychnine contraindicated to pregnant women? PDF
卷 9, 编号 4 (1895) Articles A new and quick way to expand the non-compliant pharynx in women in labor PDF
卷 9, 编号 4 (1895) Articles A blood clot in the bladder mistaken for a pregnant uterus PDF
卷 9, 编号 4 (1895) Articles Desidual membrane as evidence of ectopic pregnancy (resp. Laparotomy on the erroneous assumption of ectopic pregnancy) PDF
卷 9, 编号 4 (1895) Articles Accumulation of pus in the uterus PDF
卷 9, 编号 4 (1895) Articles Sending the oil seal PDF
卷 9, 编号 10 (1895) Articles Presentation of the placenta with dropsy of the fetus PDF
卷 9, 编号 10 (1895) Articles Debate on the nature and treatment of peritonitis in the (London) obstetric society PDF
卷 9, 编号 10 (1895) Articles On more frequent use of forceps in obstetric practice PDF
卷 9, 编号 6 (1895) Articles Dr. Fetherstone. — Rupture of the Uterus, successfully treated by hysterectomy. (Lancet, 3 / II, 1894, p. 307). Uterine rupture successfully cured by uterine rupture PDF
卷 9, 编号 6 (1895) Articles Thomas Keith. — On Surpa-pubic fixation of the Uterus in certain cases of retroversion and prolapse. (Lancet, 1894, 22 / IX, p. 679). Suprapubic attachment of the uterus in some cases of inclination and prolapse of the uterus PDF
卷 9, 编号 6 (1895) Articles Dr. Henry Stroehan (in Jamaica). - Imperforat anus; operation nine month after birth; recovery. (British Med. Journ., 1894, 18 / VIII, p. 366). Congenital deficiency of the anus; operation in nine months after birth; recovery PDF
卷 9, 编号 6 (1895) Articles Dr. Stavely. — Myomectomy during Pregnancy. (British Med. Journ., 14 / VII 1894). Statistics of fibroid cuts in pregnant women PDF
卷 9, 编号 6 (1895) Articles Dr. Giles. — Temperatur after Delivery in Relation to the Duration of Labor. (The British Medic. Journ., 14 / vn, 1894, p. 70). Influence of duration of labor on postnatal temperature PDF
卷 9, 编号 6 (1895) Articles Dr. G. E. Herman, Chairman of the London Midwifery Society — On the change in size of the cervical canal during menstruation. (The British Medic. Journ., 14 / VII, 1894, p. 70). About changes in the canal of the uterine cervix during menstruation PDF
卷 9, 编号 6 (1895) Articles Dr. Bell. — Retained Menses with Porforation into Bladder. (Brit. Med. Journ., 21 / VII, 94, p. 130). Delayed period with perforation into the bladder PDF
卷 9, 编号 6 (1895) Articles Dr. Lloyd G. Smith - On five Cases of hydrocele in the Female. (British medic. Journ., 28 / VIII, 94, pp. 179-180). Five cases of dropsy of the labia majora PDF
卷 9, 编号 6 (1895) Articles Dr. E. V. Cragin.—What are the Indications for a vaginal Examination? (Americ. Journ. of obstetrics etc, 1894, IV, p. 515). What are the indications for checking women through the vagina? PDF
卷 9, 编号 6 (1895) Articles Adenot. — Traumatic Paralysis by Compression of the Sacral plexus during Labor. (Americ. Journ. Of Obstetries etc., 1894, I / V, p. 570; Nouv. Arch. D'Obst. Et de Gyn., 1893, XI). Traumatic paralysis due to compression of the sacral nerve plexus during childbirth PDF
卷 12, 编号 7-8 (1898) Articles Malignant Adenoma of the Uterus PDF
卷 12, 编号 7-8 (1898) Articles On the Culture—Diagnosis and Serum—Treatment of Puerperal Infection, with illustrative Cases PDF
卷 12, 编号 7-8 (1898) Articles Serum Treatment of Puerperal Infection PDF
卷 12, 编号 7-8 (1898) Articles A Case of Varicose vein of the broad ligament PDF
卷 12, 编号 7-8 (1898) Articles Adherent Placenta PDF
卷 12, 编号 7-8 (1898) Articles Intra-uterine typhoid Fewer PDF
卷 12, 编号 7-8 (1898) Articles Extrauterine Pregnancy operated on at the seventh Month. Transactions of the Southern surgical and gynecological Association PDF
卷 12, 编号 7-8 (1898) Articles Polyneuritis in relation to gestation and the Puerperium PDF
卷 12, 编号 7-8 (1898) Articles Discussion of Enucleation of Uterine Myomata PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Dr. W. J. Smyly. - The Treatment of uterine Haemorrhage during the last two Months of Pregnancy. (British medic. Journal '1895, Januar 12, pp. 62-65). Treatment of uterine bleeding in the last two months of pregnancy. Roh. Barnes, prof. Byers, More Madden, et al. (Ibidem). About the same PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Dr. Cullingworth. - A case of advanced Extra-Uterine Gestation in wich a living Child was removed, the placenta left, and the Abdominal Wound entirely closed. (British med. Journ., 22 / XII 94, p. 1422). A case of extrauterine pregnancy in 8 months; extraction of a living child by gastrointestinal tract, leaving after and complete closure of the abdominal cavity PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Dr. Carbonelli. - Anatomical Results of Symphysiotomy. (British med. Journ., 1894, 1 / IX, p. 35). Anatomical structure of bone adhesions after pubic section PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Dr. Pryor and others. - The Abuse of Trachelorrhaphy. (New-York Medic. Journ., 1894, 28 / VII, p. 120). Abuse of Emmet's operation PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Dr. Dovenport. - The Ultimate Results of the Treatment of Retrodisplacements by Pessaries. (New-York. Med. Journ., 1894, 22 / IX, p. 376). Results of the treatment of posterior displacement of the uterus by means of rings PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Dr. E. C. Dudley (Chicago). - Myomectomy as a Substitute of Hysterectomy. (New-York Medic. Jour., 1894, 28 / VII, p. 122). Excision of myomatous tumors of the uterus instead of full excision of the uterus PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Dr. E. T. Thring. - Case of Combined abdominal and vaginal Hysterectomie for large Fibroid Tumor of Uterus together with Cystic Ovaries. (Australasian Medical Gasette, 1894, 15 / XI, pp. 379-383). Excision of the uterus due to large fibroids and removal of cystic-degenerated ovaries simultaneously by means of abdominal dissection and through the vagina PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles D-r Reinolds, Jewett et al. - The Treatment of the Face Presentation. (New-York Medic. Journ., 1894, 21 / VII, p. 88). Manual for facial breech PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Dr. Dimmock. - Quinine in Pregnancy. - (New-York Med. Journal., 1894, 14 / VII, p. 29). Appointment of quinine to pregnant women PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Dr P. Davis, prof. Mann et al. — Fatal Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy. - (New-Jork Medic. Journ., 1894, 28 / VII, p. 121). Fatal nausea and vomiting in pregnant women. Dr. Terrel. - The Black vomit of Pregnancy. - (Ibid, 18 / VIII p. 212). Black vomiting in pregnant women PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Dr Howard A. Kelly. (Baltimore, Am. S. Sht.). - Dysmenorrhea - its Causes and Treatment. - (American Journal of Obstetrics, 1894, IV). Dizmenorrhea - its causes and treatment PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles A. Mueller (Victoria in Australia). - Two Curiosities in Midwifery practice. (Australasian Medical Gaz., 1894, VIII, p. 258). Two rare cases in obstetric practice PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Dr S. M. Green. - Rupture of the Uterus; Palliative versus surgical Treatment. (New-Jork Med. Journ., 1894, 1 / IX, p. 281). Rupture of the uterus; palliative treatment in comparison with surgical PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Dr. Davenport Parry (Murrumburrah in N. S. W. in Australia). - The Absorption of Fibroid Tumors of the Uterus after abdominal Section. - (Australasian Med. Gaz., 1894, x, p. 329). Dissolution of uterine fibroids after laparotomy PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Dr. J. A. Hamilton, (surgeon, gynecological department, hospital in Adelaide, Australia). - A case of intra-peritoneal Haematocele. - (Australasian Med. Gaz., 1894, 15 / XII, p. 377). Intraperitoneal hemorrhage PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Prof. Cosey A. Wood (Chicago). - Puerperal Panophthalmitis due to septic Embolism. - (American Journ. Of Obstetrics, 1894, V, p. 635) - Postpartum panophthalmitis due to septic embolism PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Dr. E. R. Corson. - A Suggestion in the Operation for Vesico-vaginal Fistula. - (American Journal of Obstetrics etc., 1894, VIII, p. 209-212). - Improvement in the technique of suturing vesicovaginal fistulas PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Dr. Thomas Smith (Washington). - Cases of Excessive Secretion of Milk. - (American Journal of Obstetrics etc., 1894, VIII, p. 213). - Cases of excessive milk secretion in women PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Prof. Thomas Ashby (Baltimore). - The influence of minor Forms of ovarian and tubal disease in the Causation of Sterility. - (American Journ. Of Obstetrics etc., 1894, VIII, p. 161-171). - Influence of minor diseases of the ovaries and tubes on the origin of infertility PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles The Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports. Vol. III, no. 7, 8, 9. Report in Gynecology. Pp. 764. Baltimore. The Johns Hopkins Press, 1894. - (By reference to Americ. Journ. Of Obstetrics, 1894, VI, pp. 843-851). - Johns Hopkins Hospital Report in Baltimore PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Berry Hart. - On the Extra-peritoneal Form of ExtraUterine gestation. - (American Journal of Obstetrics etc., 1894, V, p. 577-593). - About the extraperitoneal form of ectopic pregnancy PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Dr. Stuart Nairne (Glasgow). - Resection of the Uterus for Fibroid Tumors and other Deseases. - (British Med. Journ., 1895, 12 / I, p. 70). - Resection of the uterus for the removal of fibroids and other diseases PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Dr. A. Rabogliati (Bradford). - On some symptoms, which stimulate Disease of the Pelvic Organs in Women, and their Treatment. - (The British Medic. Journ., 1895, 12 / i, p. 67). - About some seizures that simulate diseases of the pelvic organs in women and the scope of their treatment PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Female Doctor, Mistriss Mary Scharlieb. - (Physician to the In-Patients New Hospital for Women.) Surgical Treatment of Uterine Myomata. - (British Med. Journ., 1895, 12 / i, p. 68) .- Surgical treatment of myom uterus PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Dr. Frank А. Glasgow, (въ St.-Louis). — The Treatment of Distension of the Fallopian Tubes without Laporotomy and Removal. (New-Jork Medic. Journ., 1894, 3/xi, p. 567). Излѣченіе растяженій Фаллопіевой трубы безъ лапоротоміи и безъ вырѣзанія трубы PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Dr. W. B. Dorsett, (from St. Louis to the Americas) - Ligation of the Uterine Arteries for the Cure of Fibroid Tumors and Checking Haemorrhage. (New-Jork Med. Journ., 1894, 3 / xi, p. 567). Ligation of uterine arteries for the healing of fibroids and stopping bleeding PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Prof. Howard Kelly. - The advantage of atmospheric Distension of the Rectum with Dislodgment of the smoll Intestines in the bimanual Examination of Uterus, Ovaries and Tubes. - (American J. of Obstetrics, 1894, V, p. 607). - Benefits of stretching recti by air with contraction of small intestines in case of combined examination of the uterus and its appendages PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Billiteri. - Two congenital cases of Roberts pelvis.- (Teratologia, 1895, april, p. 125) .- Two cases of transversely narrowed pelvis of congenital origin PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Grimsdale. - General fetal Dropsy. - (Teratologia, 1895, april, p. 131). - General dropsy of the child PDF
卷 9, 编号 7-8 (1895) Articles Dr. Ralf Worral. (Sydney) .— Six consecutive Vaginal, Hysterectomies for Cancer .— (The Australasian Medic. Gaz., 1895, January 15, pp. 12-14). - Six cases of vaginal excision of the uterus due to cancer PDF
卷 9, 编号 9 (1895) Articles Dr. John D. Malcolm. - Illustration of some Modes of Death from Ovariotomy. - (Lancet., 1895, 12 / v, p. 93) .— Some causes of death after ovariotomy. PDF
卷 9, 编号 9 (1895) Articles Dr. Albert Green. - A Case of Post-Mortem Parturition. - (Lancet., 1895, 5 / i, p. 27). - A case of childbirth after death (with eversion of the uterus and rupture of the perineum). PDF
卷 9, 编号 9 (1895) Articles Dr. James Murphy. — Abdominal Section during Pregnancy .— (Lancet., 1895, 19 / i, p. 148). - Gluttony during pregnancy. PDF
卷 9, 编号 9 (1895) Articles Dr. O'Sullivan. - (Melbourne, Australia). Cases (50) of abdominal Section. - (The Australasian Medical Gazette, 1895 15 April., P. 154). - 50 wounds (with notes on some issues of gynecological surgery). PDF
卷 9, 编号 9 (1895) Articles Dr. Theobald Smith. - On a local vascular Disturbance of the Fetus, probably due to the Injection of Tuberculin in the pregnant Cow. - From the Pathological Laboratory of the Bureau of Animal Industry of the United States Departament of Agriculture. - (New-Jork Medic. Journ., 1895, 23 / II, p. 233). - About local disorders of blood circulation in the embryo, caused by the injection of mother's tuberculin. - Experiments on animals, produced in the laboratory of the Department of Agriculture, Sv.-Am. Conn. States. PDF
卷 11, 编号 3 (1897) Articles Some Observations on the Temperature, Pulse, and Respiration during Labour and the Lying—in PDF
卷 11, 编号 3 (1897) Articles On certain microorganisms of obstetrical and gynäcological interest PDF
卷 11, 编号 3 (1897) Articles I. Diffuse (non-capsulated) Myoma of uterus II. Oedematous Myoma of uterus PDF
卷 11, 编号 3 (1897) Articles А long Pregnancy PDF
卷 11, 编号 3 (1897) Articles The best Method of Teaching Obstetrics PDF
卷 11, 编号 3 (1897) Articles Some clinical sketches from gynecologica Practice PDF
卷 11, 编号 3 (1897) Articles On the Value of rectal exploration as an Aid to Diagnosis in Diseases of children. Tuberculosis of the Uterus or Adnexa PDF
卷 11, 编号 3 (1897) Articles Technique of the Dilatation of the Perineum in Labor PDF
卷 11, 编号 3 (1897) Articles Three unpublished Caesarean Sections, done by John Wysor PDF
卷 11, 编号 3 (1897) Articles Report of a Case of excessive fetal Developenent PDF
卷 11, 编号 3 (1897) Articles Delivery of the placenta PDF
卷 11, 编号 3 (1897) Articles Placenta praevia PDF
卷 11, 编号 3 (1897) Articles Secondary operation for tubercular Peritonitis PDF
卷 11, 编号 3 (1897) Articles Breast cancer cure by castration and oral administration of a thyroid extract PDF
卷 11, 编号 4 (1897) Articles I. A Case of Carcinoma of the Uterus Complicated hy Pregnancy II. Cancer of the Cervix, complicated with Pregnancy III. Cancer of the Uterus, complicated with Pregnancy; Indication for operation PDF
卷 11, 编号 4 (1897) Articles I. Sabcutaneous Emphysema, occu- ring during Labour II. Idem PDF
卷 11, 编号 4 (1897) Articles I. А Case of puerperal Thrombosis; Hysterectomy, Recovery II. Report of a Case of Hysterectomy for acute Puerperal Sepsis, With Recovery III. about the same PDF
卷 11, 编号 6 (1897) Articles The Surgical Anatomy of the Internal iliac Artery in Woman and a more radical Operation for malignant Disease of the uterus PDF
卷 11, 编号 6 (1897) Articles 1. Two Cases of abdominal Section for intraperitoneal Haemorrhage due to ruptured ectopic gestation 2. Three fatal Cases of ectopic Gestation 3. Ectopic Molar pregnancy 4. A Case of plural ectopic gestation PDF
卷 11, 编号 6 (1897) Articles Treatment of Pelvic Suppuration by abdominal section without Hysterectomy PDF
卷 11, 编号 6 (1897) Articles The Management of cesas after abdominal operations PDF
卷 11, 编号 6 (1897) Articles 1. Puerperal Eclampsia without renal symptoms; bloodsetting; Recovery 2. Vensection in puerneral Eklampsia PDF
卷 11, 编号 6 (1897) Articles Double ovariotomy during pregnancy without Abortion PDF
卷 11, 编号 6 (1897) Articles Case of precocious menstruation PDF
卷 11, 编号 6 (1897) Articles Intra-cervical injection of Glycerine; a Modification of Peltzer’s Method of Inducing premature Labour PDF
卷 11, 编号 6 (1897) Articles 1. A new uterine flushing curette 2. New aluminium uterine probe 3. Improved Syringe for Transfusion of Saline fluid into the Cellular Tissue PDF
