Buccal mucosal urethroplasty, first experience in the Samara region

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The incidence of urethral strictures in the structure of genitourinary diseases is about 6%. Treatment effectiveness, according to the literature, accounts for only 30%. The article describes the authors’ early experience of urethroplasty with free flaps of oral mucosa. Similar operations were performed for the first time in the Samara region. The stages of the surgery are described, images of surgical stages and pre- and post-operative urethrography results are presented. From the oral cavity a full-thickness mucosal flap 4×1.5 cm in size was taken. Wounds in the oral cavity were sutured, whereby uniform epithelialization without forming rough scars occurred. Through perineal access bulbar urethra with cicatricial changes was approached and mobilized. Buccal flaps were separated from underlying fatty tissue and sequentially fixed to the cavernous bodies with the separate sutures. Dorsal wall of the mobilized urethra was incised along the stricture. Bladder was drained through silicone catheter 14 Ch, above which the edges of incised urethra were sutured with the edges of transplanted mucosa. Surgical wound was sutured in layers tightly. In the late postoperative period, patients underwent urethrocopy and uroflowmetry. Good functional results were achieved.

About the authors

R S Nizamova

Samara State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: samara-urology@mail.ru
Samara, Russia

I M Bayrikov

Samara State Medical University

Email: samara-urology@mail.ru
Samara, Russia

E S Gubanov

Samara State Medical University

Email: samara-urology@mail.ru
Samara, Russia

P Yu Stolyarenko

Samara State Medical University

Email: samara-urology@mail.ru
Samara, Russia

E A Boryaev

Samara State Medical University

Email: samara-urology@mail.ru
Samara, Russia

A D Soltanov

Samara State Medical University

Email: samara-urology@mail.ru
Samara, Russia

T M Evstigneeva

Samara State Medical University

Email: samara-urology@mail.ru
Samara, Russia


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

© 2017 Nizamova R.S., Bayrikov I.M., Gubanov E.S., Stolyarenko P.Y., Boryaev E.A., Soltanov A.D., Evstigneeva T.M.

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