Airborne data acquisition system and flight experiment order for small uav aerodynamic characteristics investigation



Полный текст


Background. Small-sized unmanned aircraft type aerial vehicle experimental aerodynamic research via flight experiment is needed for their development and manufacturing acceleration because of the increasing role of small UAVs in modern world and, therefore, rising required quantity of such aircrafts. There are lots of papers [1–6] connected with experimental aerodynamic characteristics investigation, using Airborne Data Acquisition Systems (ADAS) consisting of a microcontroller and a set of sensors which are intended for large aircrafts, but not small UAVs.

Aim. ADAS and flight experiment order development for small UAV aerodynamic characteristics research.

Methods. ADAS consists of the Arduino Nano 33 BLE microcontroller, BNO055 absolute orientation sensor, BMP180 barometric pressure altimeter and MPXV7002DP dynamic pressure sensor and mounts on small UAV (fig. 1, 2).


Fig. 1. Visual ADAS scheme drawn with Fritzing software and ADAS inside the small UAV


Fig. 2. Small UAV in flight


The ADAS registers flight parameters during the flight. The flight experiment consists of horizontal flights at different speeds at nearly zero angle of attack and demonstration flight with complete loop. The flight parameters got with the ADAS are then processed with Microsoft Excel program in order to get the aerodynamic characteristics: the coefficients of normal Cy and tangential Cx forces and aerodynamic performance in the associated coordinate system K. A series of cruising flight mode aerodynamic calculations at various angles of attack and angles of deflection of the elevator using Ansys Workbench 18.2 CFX module was conducted for measurement error estimation to compare numerical aerodynamic characteristics with experimental ones.

Results. The relative measurement error for Cx exceeds 30% due to the lack of accounting of the influence of the propeller and surface roughness in numerical aerodynamic calculation, which also affects the aerodynamic efficiency. Minimal measurement errors are about 10%. The ADAS gives adequate results at small angles of attack. Despite the fact that the aerodynamic characteristics of the UAV were not obtained in the complete loop due to the limitations of the ADAS, there is a mutual correspondence between the flight parameters (fig. 3), which is supporting evidence of ADAS performance capabilities.


Fig. 3. Complete loop flight parameters


The flight experiment order for ADAS function test, consisting of horizontal flights and complete loop is proposed.

Conclusion. The methodology and ADAS allows obtaining small UAV aerodynamic characteristics and can be installed on any UAV of appropriate size.

Полный текст

Background. Small-sized unmanned aircraft type aerial vehicle experimental aerodynamic research via flight experiment is needed for their development and manufacturing acceleration because of the increasing role of small UAVs in modern world and, therefore, rising required quantity of such aircrafts. There are lots of papers [1–6] connected with experimental aerodynamic characteristics investigation, using Airborne Data Acquisition Systems (ADAS) consisting of a microcontroller and a set of sensors which are intended for large aircrafts, but not small UAVs.

Aim. ADAS and flight experiment order development for small UAV aerodynamic characteristics research.

Methods. ADAS consists of the Arduino Nano 33 BLE microcontroller, BNO055 absolute orientation sensor, BMP180 barometric pressure altimeter and MPXV7002DP dynamic pressure sensor and mounts on small UAV (fig. 1, 2).


Fig. 1. Visual ADAS scheme drawn with Fritzing software and ADAS inside the small UAV


Fig. 2. Small UAV in flight


The ADAS registers flight parameters during the flight. The flight experiment consists of horizontal flights at different speeds at nearly zero angle of attack and demonstration flight with complete loop. The flight parameters got with the ADAS are then processed with Microsoft Excel program in order to get the aerodynamic characteristics: the coefficients of normal Cy and tangential Cx forces and aerodynamic performance in the associated coordinate system K. A series of cruising flight mode aerodynamic calculations at various angles of attack and angles of deflection of the elevator using Ansys Workbench 18.2 CFX module was conducted for measurement error estimation to compare numerical aerodynamic characteristics with experimental ones.

Results. The relative measurement error for Cx exceeds 30% due to the lack of accounting of the influence of the propeller and surface roughness in numerical aerodynamic calculation, which also affects the aerodynamic efficiency. Minimal measurement errors are about 10%. The ADAS gives adequate results at small angles of attack. Despite the fact that the aerodynamic characteristics of the UAV were not obtained in the complete loop due to the limitations of the ADAS, there is a mutual correspondence between the flight parameters (fig. 3), which is supporting evidence of ADAS performance capabilities.


Fig. 3. Complete loop flight parameters


The flight experiment order for ADAS function test, consisting of horizontal flights and complete loop is proposed.

Conclusion. The methodology and ADAS allows obtaining small UAV aerodynamic characteristics and can be installed on any UAV of appropriate size.


Об авторах

Dmitry V. Zolotov

Samara National Research University


postgraduate student, Department of Construction and Design of Aircraft

Россия, Samara

Oscar Ulises Espinosa Barsenas

Samara National Research University


postgraduate student, Department of Construction and Design of Aircraft

Россия, Samara

Julia E. Mishina

Samara National Research University


PhD (Philology), Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Russian as a Foreign Language

Россия, Samara

Oleg E. Lukyanov

Samara National Research University

Автор, ответственный за переписку.

scientific advisor, PhD (Technology), Associate Professor of the Department of Aircraft Construction and Design

Россия, Samara

Список литературы

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Дополнительные файлы

Доп. файлы
2. Fig. 1. Visual ADAS scheme drawn with Fritzing software and ADAS inside the small UAV

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3. Fig. 2. Small UAV in flight

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4. Fig. 3. Complete loop flight parameters

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© Zolotov D.V., Espinosa Barsenas O., Mishina J.E., Lukyanov O.E., 2023

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