Vitrum Vision Forte therapy effect in patients with accommodative asthenopia



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The article presents the results of observational study of Vitrum Vision Forte efficacy in patients with accommodative asthenopia. The changes in asthenopic complaints, Mesotest and computer accomodography data were measured. A decrease in asthenopic complaints’ incidence and severity, a statistically significant increase in mesopic vision and glare sensitivity, a statistically significant reduction in ciliary muscle microfluctuations and accommodative response stability increase were observed.




Yury Astakhov

First Pavlov Sate Medical University of St. Petersburg

MD, doctor of medical science, professor. Department of Ophthalmology

Alla Lisochkina

First Pavlov Sate Medical University of St. Petersburg

candidate of medical science, assistant professor. Department of Ophthalmology

Pavel Nechiporenko

First Pavlov Sate Medical University of St. Petersburg

MD, PhD, assistant. Ophthalmology department

Aleksandra Titarenko

First Pavlov Sate Medical University of St. Petersburg

MD, clinical resident. Ophthalmology department


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版权所有 © Astakhov Y.S., Lisochkina A.B., Nechiporenko P.A., Titarenko A.I., 2015

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