Summation of Gunn diodes powers in open resonator with microstrip array

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Millimeter-wave band Gunn diodes powers summator is experimentally tested. The oscillatory system is represented by a semispherical open resonator (OR) with a four-element microstrip array (MSA) positioned on a plane mirror. An active element is installed under each of the oscillators of the array. Comparison of the spectral characteristics and amplitude distribution of the fields in the semi-spherical OR and within the resonator with MSA is provided. The dependences of the output power upon the distance between the mirrors for one, two, three and four diodes are investigated. Perspectiveness of application of a multi-element MSA in the OR for creation of the power summators of the semiconductor elements is demonstrated.


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Copyright (c) 2007 Аrkhipov А.V., Belous О.I., Кuzmichov I.К., Reznik I.I., Seleznyov D.G.

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