The input resistance calculation of two coupled electric vibrators, which are situated conformally on the cylindrical surface

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The calculation method of input resistance of coupled electric vibrators which situated conformally on the cylindrical surface was considered in this article. The problem of vibrators current distribution calculation was solved in self-consistent target setting. Mathematical apparatus of singular integral equations with Cauchy's kernel was taken as basis of the methodic. The calculation results for two coupled conformal strip vibrators are represented in this article: graphics of the real and imaginary surface current constituent distribution; graphics of input impedance dependence from geometric dimensions in variable types of their excitation (in-phase, antiphase, quadrature excitation).

About the authors

D S Kljuew

V A Neganow

A A Voronoj


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Copyright (c) 2007 Kljuew D.S., Neganow V.A., Voronoj A.A.

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