The microwave integral devices in microstrip transmittion lines parameters identification by experimental results method

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This article describes the new parameter identification method which can be applied for the contact device to measure S-parameters of integral structures in microstrip transmitting lines. Experimental data employed in identification process has been received over measuring the chains of test board-contact device at reflecting and transmitting lengths of coupled transmission lines by using spectrum analyzer. S-parameters of measurable resistive integral structures and coaxial-to-strip adapters are approximated by series of function in given frequency range.

About the authors

J V Belova

S M Nikulin


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  2. Малышев И.Н., Никулин С.М., Уткин В.Н. Измерение волновых параметров рассеяния элементов интегральных СВЧ-структур в полосковых линиях передачи // Метрология. 2008. № 2. С. 32-42.

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Copyright (c) 2009 Belova J.V., Nikulin S.M.

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