Current situation and aufbau principles of power-supply systems based on new membrane technologies of hydrogen power engineering

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There were reviewed hydrogen power engineering current situation and aufbau principles of power-supply systems including hydrogen generator (reformer), fuel cell and pulse voltage converter. There were shown investigations and developments of St.P. SUT scientists, which show that use of composite membranes with nano-dimensional covering, based on V group metals (Nb, V), in reformer lets significantly increase hydrogen permeability and decrease reformer cost in comparison with usually used membranes, based on Pb and his alloy materials. There were shown importance of control system of whole power-supply system and considered implementation possibility of control system for efficient control, overlying wide power range (it's specially important when power-supply system works on varying load).


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Copyright (c) 2010 Dmitrikov V.F., Livshits A.I., Dmitriev B.F., Shushpanov D.V., Notkin M.Y., Alimov V.N.

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