Characterization of stimulated Mandelstam – Brillouin scattering spectrum using a double-frequency probing radiation

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This paper presents a novel method for characterization of gain spectrum of stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) in single-mode optical fiber. This method is based on the usage of double-frequency probing emission. For conversion of the complex SBS spectra from optical to the electrical domain single-sideband modulation is used. Detection of double-frequency components position in the gain spectrum occurs through the amplitude modulation index of the curve and the phase difference between curves of probing and passing components.

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Определение характеристик спектра усиления Мандельштама – Бриллюэна с помощью двухчастотного зондирующего излучения


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Copyright (c) 2012 Morozov O.G., Morozov G.A., Talipov A.A., Kupriyanov V.G.

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