Treatment of post-burn secondary foot deformity

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A case of simultaneous correction of severe post-burn deformity with limited movement in the ankle joint, subluxation and contractures in the metatarsophalangeal joints in a 3-year old child is presented. Excision of scar tissues, tendinous plasty, capsulotomy of involved joints were performed. To close the defect, a full-thickness skin graft was used. In two years, no signs of recurrence were observed.

About the authors

Konstantin Aleksandrovich Afonichev

The Turner Institute for Children’s Orthopedics, Saint-Petersburg

Author for correspondence.
MD, PhD, professor, head of the department of trauma effects and rheumatoid arthritis. The Turner Scientific and Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation. Russian Federation

Maksim Sergeevich Nikitin

The Turner Institute for Children’s Orthopedics, Saint-Petersburg

MD, orthopedic and trauma surgeon of the department of trauma effects and rheumatoid arthritis. The Turner Scientific and Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics. Russian Federation

Olga Anatolevna Kuptsova

The Turner Institute for Children’s Orthopedics, Saint-Petersburg

MD, PhD student of the department of trauma effects and rheumatoid arthritis. The Turner Scientific and Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2015 Afonichev K.A., Nikitin M.S., Kuptsova O.A.

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