

是否已经在Pediatric Traumatology, Orthopaedics and Reconstructive Surgery里有了一个帐户?





撰写稿件时,作者应遵循以下规范。该规范根据国际医学期刊编辑委员会(International Committee of Medical Journal Editors)编制的《生物医学期刊投稿统一要求》(Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals)编写。

请上传Microsoft Office Word格式的文稿(*.doc、*.docx与*.rtf格式)。

    1. 有关研究、讲座或文献综述的文稿篇幅(包括表格与参考文献列表)不得超过1万字。病例报告应控制在7千字,短篇报告与读者来信不得超过两千字。投稿前请使用MS Word内置统计功能,明确文稿字数。如果文稿超出上述篇幅要求,编委会将根据评议者意见,最终决定是否发表。
    2. 文稿格式。建议所有作者使用Times New Roman字体(字体大小12pt,间距0行,页边距2cm)。请在文稿中避免使用下划线(可使用斜体加粗)。
    3. 文稿结构。本刊编委会建议来稿为一份完整的文件,涵盖所有数据、表格以及任何附加补充材料。
    • 文稿标题。文题力求简明扼要,反映文章特点。
    • 标有上标数字的作者及所属单位,必须在文稿首页标题下方。
    • 一篇原创性研究的摘要,应以简要背景信息与研究目的(AIMS)开头,然后描述材料与方法(MATERIALS & METHODS),并以结果(RESULTS)结尾。摘要的最后一句话应以最明白易懂的方式概述该研究的主要结论(CONCLUSIONS)。请注意,摘要不得超过300字。
    • 关键词的选择。建议通过MeSH(Medical Subject Headings)词表选择关键词。
    • 正文应以简短的引言作为开头,阐述该论文的意义。如为原创性研究,正文应采用常用结构阐述研究的目的、材料、方法、结果、讨论(Discussion)及结论部分。
    • 致谢部分可采用俄语、英语或英俄双语书写。致谢应包括以下内容:
      • 阐明与作者有关的任何潜在或实际利益冲突。文稿整体或部分内容涉及的任何附属关系、财务关系、经济或政治利益,包括所在单位与其他可能造成隐瞒、故意数据腐败或对文稿阐释带来不良影响的责任,视为利益冲突,必须明确阐述。请注意,尽管不披露利益冲突会导致论文无法顺利发表,但利益冲突本身不会妨碍发表结果。
      • 简要列出论文所述成果的经费来源(商业组织、基金会或政府资助)以及发表过程。
      • 可注明各作者发挥的作用或职责。也可对协助自身工作的任何个人或组织致谢。

参考文献列表应遵循美国国家信息标准协会(National Information Standards Organization)(NISO Z39.29-2005 [R2010])的Vancouver格式要求。参考文献格式具体要求,详见《参考文献列表指南》。以下是投稿时应当知晓的要点。

  • 给参考文献编号时,应依照其在正文中被引用的先后顺序。
  • 文献综述的参考文献数量不得超过60篇,原创性研究与讲稿不得超过20篇。
  • 在正文中,参考文献应用阿拉伯数字以方括号注明。
  • 所有参考文献条目应列出全部作者。如果引用论文的作者超过4位,请在第三位名字后面加注“等”(et al.)。切勿简化参考文献的标题。期刊名称缩写应根据MedLine目录。如果MedLine未收录本刊,请书写全称。
  • 注意表格的条理性,表头与表列应方便读者阅读与理解,表列结构应清晰明了。请确保表格数据与正文数据一致(但并非简单地复制)。


  • 如不想通过标准办公软件将研究产生的图表资料(如诊断性影像学检查结果、照片、截图、数字插图等)放入论文中,请通过本刊网页表单以 *.jpeg、*.bmp或*.gif的格式作为单独文件提交。可接受分辨率的绝对最小值为300dpi,但建议分辨率大于300dpi。请记住,图片文件标注的数字与文稿相应部分对应。此外,文件描述应包括图片标题,因为该标题会出现在该文稿中(例如:“图1Elliott Proctor Joslin, M.D. (1869-1962)”)。
  • 图表应采用横纵坐标形式,标注参数或测量变量、测量单位与比例。
  • 单位应采用公制和国际单位制。
  • 请注意在正文中列出所有补充材料(表格、图表等)的参考文献。

伦理声明。根据Committee on Publication EthicsCOPE 指南,如果研究将受试人类或脊椎动物和/或其组织作为研究对象,文稿必须包括伦理声明。以下研究应获得相关机构的批准:

  • 人类(活体或组织),包括观察性、调查性或涉及任何个人信息的研究;
  • 动物(活体或组织),包括观察性研究;
  • 非商业性细胞系。






  • 禁止剽窃。来稿从未发表,也未将发表过的论文另投他刊[或已在《致编辑》(Comments to the Editor)中作出解释。]

  • 确保稿件格式正确。投稿文件格式应为Microsoft Word(扩展名为 *.doc、*.docx、*.rtf)。来稿文体格式与参考文献应遵循“致作者”一节的“作者须知”要求。

  • 投稿信。所有必需的支持性文件必须与稿件一同提交。作者应确保上传PDF格式的投稿信扫描版原件。投稿信应包含所有作者的签名。



本合同(以下简称为合同)为公开要约,根据俄罗斯联邦民法典第437条第2款编制。该合同规定了Eco-Vector LLC旗下“Pediatric Traumatology, Orthopaedics, and Reconstructive Surgery”期刊(以下简称为期刊)出版方(以下简称出版方)与签署公开要约合同的作者、作者团队或其他版权拥有者(以下简称作者)之间的关系。出版方在俄罗斯联邦通信信息技术与大众传媒监督局(Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media)和联邦文化遗产保护法合规监督服务处注册(Federal Service for Monitoring Compliance with Cultural Heritage Protection Law)(注册证PI号FS77-54261,注册时间2013年5月24日)。作者向出版方提供原始文稿。原始文稿必须满足“投稿”与“撰稿”两节内容的要求。出版方采用国际医学期刊编辑委员会(ICMJE)编制的《生物医学期刊投稿统一要求》。(内科年报.1997年; 126:36-47.)。







  1. 出版方有权排版并发表作者的作品,并将其内容转移至VINITI(全俄科学技术信息所)、RSCI期刊和数据库,供评审(与引文索引)服务之用;通过纸质与电子媒介发布期刊/作者的数据材料,包括将其放在出版方选择或创建的网页,以建立在线发表路径,供有关人士随时随地阅读;通过订阅方式发布,将作者的材料发布在期刊上;
  2. 俄罗斯联邦境内以及互联网允许使用受版权保护的材料。
  3. 本合同有效期为5年。一旦逾期,出版方保留无限期在互联网上续放作者材料的权利,且经作者确认。
  4. 出版方有独家决定权,在不与作者商议的情况下,可与第三方签署合同与协议,以便采取其他措施保护版权与出版权;
  5. 根据本合同,作者应保证使用其向出版方提供的材料不会侵犯第三方权益。
  6. 作者应按照个人/团队自行作出的决定,保留相关版权材料的使用权,在不违反本合同的前提下,将合同权利转移至第三方。
  7. 出版方向作者提供纸质版发表作品(一份)和网络发表链接。
  8. 如该论文或其部分内容需在他刊转载,务必提及期刊原始发表作品。
  9. 出版方有权决定期刊的印刷数量。






General information about paid services available to the authors of the journal

The review of the author's manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal is carried out on a fee basis.

Payment for the review of the manuscript does not guarantee the publication of the article and provides the editorial board with complete freedom to select materials for publication in the journal.

Manuscripts approved by the editorial board are published without charging additional fees to the authors.

The fee for reviewing the manuscript does not lead to the formation of any financial interest of the editorial staff in the number of published articles and, therefore, does not reduce the quality of the selection of manuscripts.

In addition to paying for the review of the manuscript, the publisher offers the authors a number of additional paid services, the choice of which also does not affect the outcome of the review of the manuscript and the decision of the editorial board to publish the article.

The editor-in-chief has the right to compile a list of categories of authors:

  1. The publication fee is not charged
  2. Eligible for a discount

Article Submission Charge

价格: 450.00 (USD)


Publisher requires single Article Submission Charge (ASC) per submitted manuscript to defray its editorial consideration costs. 

ACS is for the manuscript consideration process that includes:

  • initial manuscript consideration by editors for compliance with Guidelines for Authors and Editorial Policies;
  • checking for plagiarism;
  • manuscript processing for double-blind peer-review, administration of authors-to-reviewers-to-authors communication;
  • presentation of an article and the peer-review results for the Editorial board;
  • communication with authors on all the Editorial board's decisions.

ATTENTION! ASC does not guarantee the publication of a manuscript! The fee is not refundable in the case of refusal to publish after peer-reviewing or failure to review the paper for publication by objective reasons (failure to comply with the authors of author's copyright provisions; negative reviews; author(s) failure to meet a deadline for manuscript corrections; refusal to adopt/correct/update the manuscript in accordance with the requirements of the editorial board; violation of publication ethics guidelines.

Payment can be made by:

  1. Online processingdirectly from the submission profile in the editorial workflow system of the journal.
  2. In case of previous protocol failing:
  • Fill in the “request waive” panel with “invoice request”
  • download and fill in invoice request template and send it to the Editorial Board

Do not forget to press “complete submission” panel at the bottom of the screen.


价格: 1100.00 (USD)


The Fast-Track is a review process and editorial workflow to authors seeking a very fast editorial decision and rapid publication at a higher submission fee to compensate the extreme fast referees and editorial work.

If you choose “Fast-Track” for your manuscript the fee is US$1100.

Please note, that the “Fast-Track” option does not guarantee a positive review and acceptance of a manuscript itself. It's only brings an extreme fast time schedule for manuscript processing through all editorial procedures. Thus, if the manuscript receives negative reviews, and if the editorial board will take the side of reviewers, the manuscript will be rejected. If the reviewers recommend revisions of the manuscript, the final decision on publication will be only after revised manuscript submission and the second round of review.

For the Fast-Track users we guarantee:

  • the response time (report and decision letter) is 21 days, starting from the first business day on which valid payment information has been received from the submitting author.
  • publication (in case of manuscript acceptance) is a nearest upcoming issue of the journal.

The Fast-Track option does not exclude the necessary for correct manuscript formatting. Please ensure that the manuscript corresponds to the formatting guidelines for this journal (you can find them on Author Guidelines page).

Payment can be made by:

  1. Online processingdirectly from the submission profile in the editorial workflow system of the journal.
  2. In case of previous protocol failing, download and fill in invoice request and send it to the Editorial Board

After making the payment and sending the notification to the editor, the authors will receive confirmation by email and within the next 21 days — the results of the article reviewing and the editorial decision.

Open Access:

价格: 500.00 (USD)


(this will NOT abrogate the Peer-Review decesion-based article selection).

Through Optional Open Access, authors of accepted papers are given the option of paying an open access publication charge to make their paper freely available online immediately via the journal website, meaning that readers will not need a journal subscription to view open access content. If an author does not choose to pay the open access publication charge, their paper will be published in the normal manner (available by subscription), and will not be made freely available online immediately.

Therefore there will be a mixture of non-open access and open access articles within each journal issue. Open access articles will be clearly indicated on the journal's online contents page. In order to view the non-open access content, a current subscription to the journal will be required. Online, print and combined subscription options will continue to be available to institutions. 

Payment can be made by:

  1. Online processing — directly from the submission profile in the editorial workflow system of the journal.
  2. In case of previous protocol failing, download and fill in invoice request and send it to the Editorial Board

Submission fee waivers and discounts

All Eco-Vector's journals which charge an ASC offer a number of waivers for authors with limited means. 

The fee for paid editorial services can be reduced or voided at the request of any authors team.

If the author is a member of the editorial board or a reviewer of 'Pediatric Traumatology, Orthopaedics and Reconstructive Surgery', a graduate student, or Ph.D. student, the Eco-Vector Publishing House provides a discount for ASC:

  • 100% for single-author publication;
  • proportionally, depending on the number of authors in the manuscript, but not less than 10%.

To receive a discount, please, select “Request an Exception” on the Step 7 of the Manuscript submission precess and write a message to the editor in the appropriate field. With the filled request the author will be able to complete the manuscript submition process without simultaneously paying online.

Decisions on all the waivers requests are for Editor-in-Chief consideration. If the discount is approved, authors will be informed of the final total cost and further payment instructions.
