Computer plantography as a diagnostic method for congenital clubfoot in children




Examination of the anatomical and functional states of feet in children with congenital clubfoot is an urgent priority that has significant theoretical and practical value. The purpose of the study was to investigate the morphological and functional parameters of the foot to evaluate the degree of affection of its support function in congenital clubfoot using the technique of computer plantography. Plantographic characteristics of the feet were determined in 65 children with this disorder, aged from 4 to 16 years. The mathematical processing of plantographic characteristics of the feet was performed using the following; the calcaneo-axial and the calcaneo-metatarsal angles and the angle between the outer tangents on the basis of what were defined border values of angles, depending on the severity of foot deformities. The proposed method of analysis of the foot plantogram is statistically significant for the classification of congenital clubfoot with different degrees of severity: mild, moderate, and severe. This technique is an addition to the clinical and X-ray methods and allows the evaluation of functional support for the feet.



Igor Nikityuk

The Turner Institute for Children’s Orthopedics, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation

Email: The Turner Institute for Children’s Orthopedics. Saint-Petersburg. Russian Federation
MD, PhD, leading research associate of the laboratory of physiological and biomechanical research. The Turner Scientific and Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics

Irina Klychkova

The Turner Institute for Children’s Orthopedics, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation

Email: The Turner Institute for Children’s Orthopedics. Saint-Petersburg. Russian Federation
MD, PhD, professor, chief of the department of foot pathology, neuroorthopedics and systemic diseases. The Turner Scientific and Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics


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