



Bone reconstruction is one of the most topical problems of orthopedics and traumatology. According to the literature, search for the best methods and materials for bone grafting is carried out for a long time and is currently ongoing. The development of microsurgery provided new opportunities of bone remodeling, especially in pediatric orthopedics. However, as with any method, the predominance of the positive aspects of this method is accompanied by the existence of flaws. So the question of bone grafting remains relevant and debatable.


Alexei Baindurashvili

FSBI “Scientific and Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics n. a. G. I. Turner” under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Email: turner01@mail.ru
MD, PhD, DMedSc, Professor, corresponding member of RAS, honored doctor of the Russian Federation, Director

Maxim Sviridov

FSBI “Scientific and Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics n. a. G. I. Turner” under the Ministry of the Russian Federation

Email: mksviridov@mail.ru
MD, PhD student of the department of reconstructive microsurgery and hand surgery.

Sergei Golyana

FSBI “Scientific and Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics n. a. G. I. Turner” under the Ministry of the Russian Federation

Email: ser.golyana@mail.ru
MD, PhD, head of the department of reconstructive microsurgery and hand surgery.

Natalia Avdeychik

FSBI “Scientific and Research Institute for Children’s Orthopedics n. a. G. I. Turner” under the Ministry of the Russian Federation

MD, PhD student of the department of reconstructive microsurgery and hand surgery


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