Isolated frog heart performance after stimulation by adrenaline against the background of new metal-complex antihypoxant πQ1983 action

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The dynamic of isolated nonfixed heart bioimpedance changing had been studied in experiments on frogs (Rana temporaria, n = 20) after stimulation by adrenaline and application of the new antihypoxic metal-complex substance πQ1983 just on myocardium. The curve of heart bioimpedance changing (impedancecardiogram) was registered in vitro by the computer reographic apparatus “Reospectr” (Neurosoft, Russia). Simultaneously ECG was registered too. After placing of a heart in condition of the experiment and after placement of all electrodes the stimulation by adrenaline were performed by dropping of 0.1 % adrenaline hydrochloride solution on myocardium (control group). On the hearts of the experimental group were applied the substance πQ1983 solution 15 min before stimulation by adrenaline (experimental group). Was established that substance πQ1983 increases the resistance of frog myocardium to the stimulation by adrenaline in vitro making longer its mechanical and electrical work more than twice. The obtained data confirm presence of soft direct cardiodepressive effect of the substance πQ1983 that supplements the conception of different mechanisms of its antihypoxic impact.

About the authors

Denis Vladimirovich Sosin

Smolensk State Medical Academy

PhD (Physiology and Pharmacology), Assistant Professor, Department of Normal Physiology

Andrey Viktorovich Yevseyev

Smolensk State Medical Academy

Doctor of Med. Sci. (Physiology and Pharmacology), Professor, Department of Normal Physiology

Vitaliy Andreyevich Pravdivtsev

Smolensk State Medical Academy

Doctor of Med. Sci. (Physiology), Professor and Head, Dept. of Normal Physiology

Petr Dmitriyevich Shabanov

Kirov Military Medical Academy

Doct. of Med. Sci. (Pharmacology), Professor and Head, Dept. of Pharmacology


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Copyright (c) 2014 Sosin D.V., Yevseyev A.V., Pravdivtsev V.A., Shabanov P.D.

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