Transformation of aeolian relief forms under wind influence

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The interaction of the air flow with the surface consisting of sandy disjoint particles is considered. Taking into account their mobility on the surface in the calculations allows us to describe the reasons for increasing the stability of the layer of particles bordering the air environment. The value of the threshold wind speed required for the removal of the particle increases due to the change in the pressure difference above and below the particle relative to the same value at a stationary state. The number of surface particles to be torn off when the wind reaches the threshold values increases. This circumstance allows to explain one of the possible reasons for the appearance of the known effective change of gravity acting on the layer, with the growth of eolian forms of relief. For inclined surfaces, the balance for the flows of falling and torn off by the wind particles is disturbed due to the difference in resistance to the effects of air flow. The differentiation of the eolian form of relief on the area with different intensities of wind removal makes it possible to estimate the relative increase in mass, which determines the optimal distance between the two structures for sustainable growth.

About the authors

E. A. Malinovskaya

Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences; North-Caucasian Federal University, Institute of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Department of socio-economic geography, geoinformatics and tourism

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, 3, Pizevsky, Moscow, 119017; Pushkina ul., 1, Stavropol, 1355009


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