Diffusion-rotational parameterization of eddy fluxes of potential vorticity: barotropic flow in the zonal channel

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The problem of parametrization of the eddy fluxes of a potential vorticity is discussed. Traditional diffusion parameterization is complemented by the inclusion of a rotational component. For the analysis of the new scheme, a quasi-geostrophic model of the dynamics of the barotropic flow in a zonal channel with a non-uniform bottom is used. An analytical solution of the problem is found and the influence of topography on the flow disturbances is discussed. It is shown that the equation for the eddy potential enstrophy allows to relate diffusion and «rotational» coefficients.

About the authors

V. O. Ivchenko

University of Southhampton, National Oceanography Centre

Author for correspondence.
Email: zalesny@inm.ras.ru
United Kingdom, Southampton, SO14 3ZH

V. B. Zalesny

Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Science

Email: zalesny@inm.ras.ru
Russian Federation, 8, Gubkin St., Moscow, 199333


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