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编号 3 (2023)



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Human Accelerated Regions: How Non-Coding DNA Sequences Made Us Human

Chvilyova A.


We have always wondered what made us human. In the post-genomic era we try to find an answer in DNA sequences which are conserved in all animals but are different in humans. These sequences are called human accelerated regions (HARs). They are unique due to their fast evolution. During 6 million years HARs have been accumulating mutations and embedding in population due to their positive selection. To date it is known that HARs regulate certain genes which control embryonic development and neurogenesis in humans. In this article we review our knowledge about HARs, their characteristics and functions as well as evolutionary context of some mental disorders and their connection with HARs.
Priroda. 2023;(3):3-10
pages 3-10 views

Notes on the Amur Leopard Cat

Tkachenko K.


The article represents new data on certain aspects of the ecology of the amur leopard cat (hunting behaviour, use of the Asian badger settlements, relationships with predatory birds and mammals, etc.) collected mainly on agricultural lands near the Ussuri River mouth in the interfluve of its tributaries, the Kiya and Chirki rivers,and in the eastern part of the Khanka Lowland. It has been revealed that over the past 23 years in the southern Amur region (perhaps also throughout the entire range in the south of the Russian Far East), the number of the Amur leopard cat has slightly increased. It has successfully adapted to life in the agricultural landscape. The features of coloration of the metacarpal pads of front and hind paws of the animal have also been clarified. It has been established that some individuals caught in the mouth part of the Ussuri River in the Kiya—Chirki interfluve have spots of white wool in the interval between the digital pads and the metacarpal pad. Previously, such a sign in the color of the cat has not been noted.
Priroda. 2023;(3):11-25
pages 11-25 views

Habitat: Order Parameters and Self-Organization

Malinetsky G.


Nowadays we are in a paradoxical situation: despite the enormous efforts of mankind in the economic, technological, educational, scientific, and cultural fields, the humans are not even close to the desired development point. How to change this situation? The answer is simple: it is necessary to change the person and his environment. Only in essence, a person, transforming his environments just changes one threat to another. It would be nice to predict the results. However, the possibilities of both people and the scientific description of reality are limited.
Priroda. 2023;(3):26-35
pages 26-35 views

The Lower Don: a Unique River Artery and Its Environmental Problems

Matishov G., Khoroshev O., Sushko K., Stepanyan O., Malik Y.


The results obtained during a comprehensive scientific expedition of the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences carried out along the banks of the Lower Don River and the Tsimlyansk Reservoir within the Rostov and Volgograd oblasts in September 2022 with the support of the Russian Geographical Society are described. The purpose of the expedition was to study the current state of the Don coastal landscapes and coastal waters.
Priroda. 2023;(3):36-50
pages 36-50 views

Tracing the Holocene Powerful Earthquakes on Iturup Island

Pinegina T., Razzhigaeva N., Degterev A., Khomchanovskiy A.


For the first time, paleoseismological studies have been carried out on Iturup Island to search for vertical coseismic deformations associated with the strongest earthquakes in the southern segment of the Kurilo-Kamchatka subduction zone. Traces of six earthquakes with an average between-event interval of about 330 years have been identified. The last earthquake that caused the coseismic subsidence of the island probably occurred on November 6, 1958.
Priroda. 2023;(3):51-57
pages 51-57 views

The Batagay Crater

Murzin Y., Fedorov S.


In the middle of the 20th century a small ravine emerged on the Yana Plateau in the Batagayka River valley. It began to grow rapidly and by now has turned into a huge thermokarst depression, which is now called the Batagay Crater. Its emergence was favored by a combination of factors, both of natural and anthropogenic origin.
Priroda. 2023;(3):58-63
pages 58-63 views

Section of the “Albatross” Quaternary Sediments

Komarov V., Vaitieva Y., Goryachev I., Dumnova A.


The outcrop of quaternary sediments located on the coast of the Kazantip Bay, in the vicinity of the village of Novootradnoye, 300 m south-southeast from the guest house “Albatross” has been studied. The studied continental rocks are probably of eluvial origin. However, a significant amount of sand in their composition may indicate the participation of the deluvial process in their formation — temporary flow associated erosion of bedrock on the uplands located to the south, as well as strong aeolian activity, traces of which are manifested in the form of dusty high-carbonate loess-like loams. The formation of sediments, apparently, occurred during the middle subboreal warming (4800–3400 years ago) and coincides with the period of increasing climate aridization.
Priroda. 2023;(3):64-68
pages 64-68 views

Andreev Reflection. In memory of an outstanding physicist

Fomin I.


Ушел из жизни Александр Фёдорович Андреев — ученый с мировым именем, академик РАН, вице-президент РАН (1991–2013), директор Института физических проблем имени П.Л.Капицы РАН (1990–2017), главный редактор «Журнала экспериментальной и теоретической физики» (1997–2022). И главный редактор «Природы» с 1993 по 2020 г.: он возглавлял наш журнал в течение 27 лет — дольше, чем кто-либо на этом посту.
Priroda. 2023;(3):69-71
pages 69-71 views


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Науки об атмосфере и климате. ТРЕТИЙ ОЦЕНОЧНЫЙ ДОКЛАД ОБ ИЗМЕНЕНИЯХ КЛИМАТА И ИХ ПОСЛЕДСТВИЯХ НА ТЕРРИТОРИИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ / Под ред. В.М.Катцова; Росгидромет. Санкт-Петербург: Наукоемкие технологии, 2022. 676 с.
Priroda. 2023;(3):72-72
pages 72-72 views