At a Crossroads. Once Again About Micro-History And The Book of Giovanni Levi (To the Reissue of the Immaterial Inheritance and the Publication of Its Russian Translation)

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The new edition of the classic of microhistory and its publication in Russian translation gives us an opportunity to reflect once again on the thorny paths of historical scholarship. There are centuries-old traditions and untrodden paths, there are new schools and trends, and there is the real historical past, the people who lived in it, whose fates for some reason are of concern to historians and those who read their books. This too is indeed “intangible heritage”.

About the authors

M. A Youssim

Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow, Russia


  1. Атнашев Т., Велижев М. Микроистория и проблема доказательства в гуманитарных науках // Новое литературное обозрение. 2019. № 6. С. 83–92
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  8. Атнашев Т., Велижев М. Микроистория и проблема доказательства в гуманитарных науках // Новое литературное обозрение. 2019. № 6. С. 83–92
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  15. Levi G. L’eredità immateriale. Carriera di un esorcista nel Piemonte del Seicento. Milano, 2020.

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