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This article is dealt with the development of some trends and subjects of power in modem domestic Medieval Studies and early modem period. The importance of the historical-anthropological approach, microhistory method in learning the practice of people’s consciousness and behavior in 15th-17th centuries is concretized. To this end, researches of E. Brown «Wars of Roses. History. Mythology. Historiography» and A. Palamarchuk «Civil Law in the Early Stuart England: Institutions and Ideas» are analyzed. E. Brown researches English society by stratifying levels of internal communications of gentry’s community. The chain of gentry’s horizontal communication ensured the realization of gentry’s interests, in particular, endless litigations in land disputes. In the A. Palamarchuk’s study of ideological and political search of English society on the eve of the English Civil War within the context of opposition between connoisseurs and adhemts of Civil Law and Common Law is learnt. Two models of monarchical state are formed in public consciousness of intellectual elite: «national» based on Common Law’s values and «institutional» based on the Roman law’s heritage.


Vsevolod Zolotov

Bryansk State University

Doctor of Sciences in History; Professor


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