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The aim of this article is to find out why does contemporary research largely ignores the fate of the Romans after they lost a state of their own but continued to exist as a particular society and bearers of a particular language and culture. From this point of view the author studies the situation in the eight most important national schools of historiography: German, French, Italian, Spanish, British, American, Austrian schools and the Russian school; the latter receives special attention. With respect to each of these schools, the author investigates the scientific traditions which made this historiographic situation possible as well as the influences coming from social life. In conclusion, he proposes several ways of approaching the issue of the Roman society after 476, with regard to the state of the surviving sources and to the realities of the early medieval Europe.


I. Filippov

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of History

Email: isfilippov.new@gmail.com
Moscow, Russian Federation


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