Hypertension and erectile dysfunction: management tactics

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Erectile dysfunction (ED) serves as an early marker or precursor for cardiovascular diseases. The most important pathogenetic component of hypertension and ED is pathological endothelial changes, insufficient nitric oxide production, chronic inflammation, and androgen deficiency. ED can also develop as a complication of antihypertensive therapy. When treating hypertension in males, it is recommended to evaluate sexual functioning regardless of age and to prescribe antihypertensive therapy individually. The issues of continuing sexual activity and treatment of ED should be discussed with the patient after assessing the risk of a cardiovascular event and stabilizing the condition.

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About the authors

Z. D Mikhailova

City Clinical Hospital Thirty-Eight

Email: zinaida.mihailowa@yandex.ru
Nizhny Novgorod

A. B Stroganov

Volga Research Medical Center, Ministry of Health of Russia

Nizhny Novgorod


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