Functional state of the central nervous system of school students of the indigenous and indigenous population of the Khakasia (on the example of the city of Abakan)

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The study of ethnic features of the functioning of the central nervous system (CNS) is an urgent problem of modern medicine. Purpose. Study of the features of the functional state of the CNS in schoolchildren of the indigenous and non-indigenous population of Khakassia by the parameters of a simple visual-motor reaction. Material and methods. We examined random samples of schoolchildren 12-17 years old of both sexes, indigenous and non-indigenous population of the city of Abakan. The functional state of the central nervous system was assessed by the method of a simple sensorimotor reaction using the hardware-software complex UPFT-1/30 «Psychophysiologist». We compared the indicators of 2 groups, formed taking into account ethnicity: the indigenous (Khakass) and nonindigenous (Caucasians) population. The functional state of the central nervous system was assessed according to the indicators of the average response time (level of response rate) and its standard deviation (level of stability), by integral parameters reflecting the level of error and the level of sensorimotor reactions (level of central nervous system activation). The indicators were processed in the program «Statistica 12» (USA). Results. Most schoolchildren of the indigenous and non-indigenous population of Khakassia have a satisfactory functional state of the central nervous system. Ethnic differences in the functioning of the central nervous system were revealed in the form of a predominance of inertia and imbalance of nervous processes, a lower concentration and stability of attention in adolescents of the indigenous ethnic group. Conclusion. The revealed tendencies towards the deterioration of a number of indicators of a simple visual-motor reaction in some schoolchildren of the indigenous population of Khakassia (a decrease in concentration and stability of attention, a slowdown in simple visual-motor reactions) indicate the predominance of inhibition processes in the central nervous system, a state of fatigue, a decrease in mental performance and cognitive activity in this contingent of adolescents. The results obtained confirm the urgency of this problem and indicate the need for further research in this direction.

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About the authors

L. S Evert

Federal Research Center «Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences», Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North;N.F. Katanov Khakass State University

T. V Potupchik

Prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia


Yu. R Kostyuchenko

Prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia

O. V Chudinova

N.F. Katanov Khakass State University


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