Relationship between the type of body composition and the course of chronic erosive gastroduodenitis in children

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The paper presents the results of a study of the relationship between the type of body composition and the course of chronic erosive gastroduodenitis (CEGD) in children. The study involved 54 patients (34 boys, 20 girls) aged 12 to 18 years with CEGD. The body composition type of a child was determined using the Pinier index according to the procedure designed by M.V. Chernorutsky. All the patients underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy with biopsy material sampling, followed by histopathological examination, a breathing test for Helicobacter pylori (Hp), a serological test for Hp IgG and IgM, and an objective examination. Among the children with CEGD, asthenics (68.5%) prevailed; hypersthenics (18.5%) and normosthenics (13%) were less common.

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About the authors

D. V. Kharitonov

Tula State University; Tula Children’s Regional Clinical Hospital


V. G. Sapozhnikov

Tula State University; Tula Children’s Regional Clinical Hospital

Author for correspondence.

доктор медицинских наук, профессор

N. V. Osiptsov

Tula Children’s Regional Clinical Hospital


Yu. I. Nikishina

Tula Children’s Regional Clinical Hospital



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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Gastric body biopsy in a 16-year-old patient with CEGD: gastric superficial-foveolar epithelial desquamation, gastric mucosal swelling. H&E; microphoto, microscope magnification: 10×12.5×1.25

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3. Fig. 2. Endoscopic pattern of the stomach in a 13-year-old patient with acute GEGD: gastric fundus mucosal wall erosion, 2–3 mm in size

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4. Fig. 3. Endoscopic pattern of the duodenum in a 17-year-old patient with acute GEGD: several duodenal mucous erosions

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