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The paper gives the current views of the problem of insomnias, their classification, and basic drug treatments. It emphasizes the role of the objective study of sleep - polysomnography. The administration of hypnotics and the minimized use of benzodiazepines are most important in the pharmacotherapy of insomnia. The authors present the data of foreign and their clinical and polysomnographic studies of the effect of doxylamine (Donormyl) on patients with insomnia. The subjective evaluation of the positive effect of a 10-day course of Donormyl is confirmed by the objective studies of the sleep pattern undergoing positive changes that involve the most important indicators of the sleep pattern (shorter duration of falling asleep; longer rapid eye movement sleep; better sleep quality index). In terms of its high safety and tolerability, Donormyl may be appreciated as an effective agent to treat insomnia.

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About the authors

Ya. Levin

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

Professor MD

K. Magomedova

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University



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