Application of biofeedback orthodontic treatment in patients with increased generalized tooth abrasion

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Generalized abrasion of dental tissue is an urgent modern dentistry problem, the solution of which requires current approaches aimed not only at restoring the bite, but also at preventing the fur-ther development of the pathology leading to a substantial loss of dental hard tissues (enamel and dentin). A tooth height change leads to an alteration in the temporomandibular joint, which is ac-companied by pain in the area of the joint and tongue, and to possible hearing impairment.

Objective. To enhance the efficiency of biofeedback (BFB) orthodontic treatment in pa-tients with increased generalized tooth abrasion.

Subjects and methods. The electromyographic characteristics of the temporal and masticato-ry muscles were studied in 22 patients aged 20 to 40 years with increased tooth abrasion in the pres-ence of bite pathology. The patients were divided into 2 comparable groups: a study group of 11 patients who used BFB in addition to the basic orthopedic treatment; a control group of 11 patients who received the standard orthodontic treatment only.

Results. The application of biofeedback therapy was established to considerably reduce the activity of the masticatory muscles in the study group versus the control group.

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About the authors

A. M. Dybov

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Ministry of Health of Russia

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow

A. V. Glazkova

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Ministry of Health of Russia

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Pathological abrasion of dental tissue

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3. Fig. 2. An example of orthodontic treatment in a patient with generalized dental tissue abrasion

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