Impact of metabolic therapy on the state of cerebral hemodynamics in hypoestrogenemia

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Objective. To investigate the impact of therapy with Mildronate® on the state of cerebral hemodynamics, on vascular wall remodeling and endothelial dysfunction in women with hypertension and estradiol deficiency.

Subjects and methods. The investigation enrolled 37 patients (mean age, 43.0±3.5 years) with Stage I–II hypertension, reduced estradiol and elevated follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels, who formed a study group. The patients in this group received Mildronate® in addition to standard therapy. A control group consisted of 38 healthy women (mean age 43.5±3.4 years) without chronic diseases affecting intracardiac and cerebral hemodynamics. Complete medical histories were taken from all the patients who underwent a mandatory laboratory test (including estradiol and FSH levels), ECG, and duplex scanning of the great cerebral arteries.

Results. The features of vascular bed remodeling, the state of cerebral hemodynamics, and endothelial dysfunction in the examinees can assume that hypoestrogenemia may be a factor contributing to the progression of hypertension and the development of complications, such as cerebrovascular accidents.

Conclusion. The study results have shown that Mildronate® is well tolerated by patients and is an effective treatment, showing a positive therapeutic effect on endothelium-dependent vascular relaxation, vascular remodeling, and whole-brain hemodynamics.

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About the authors

M. Khabibulina

Ural State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg

M. Shamilov

Ural State Medical University

Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg


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