Paroksizmal'naya fibrillyatsiya predserdiy: sutochnaya variabel'nost' serdechnogo ritma u muzhchin i zhenshchin

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Analysis of vegetative effects on heart rhythm is represented during the appearance of arterial fibrillation paroxysms with patients with ischemic heart disease and arterial hypertension. Gender differences are shown. Prognostic value of time and spectral indices for daily heart rate variability is studied.

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About the authors

D. Dedov

Tver State Medical University;Tver Regional Clinical Cardiologic Dispensary

Professor Tver, Russia

A. Ivanov

Tver State Medical University;Tver Regional Clinical Cardiologic Dispensary

Professor Tver, Russia

I. Elgard

Tver Regional Clinical Cardiologic Dispensary

Candidate of Medical Sciences Tver, Russia

S. Masyukov

Tver State Medical University

Tver, Russia


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