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The problem of miscarriage and preterm pregnancy does not lose its relevance. Symptoms of a threatened miscarriage develop in 25% of pregnant women, i.e. in almost every four pregnant women, while in 13.0-16.7%, they are accompanied by the formation of retrochorial hematomas (RCH) that, in turn, lead to disturbances in the normal processes of implantation, trophoblastic in-vasion, and the formation of a uteroplacental hemodynamic compartment. The aim of the investi-gation was to study the characteristics of the course of pregnancy and the outcomes of labor when detecting various RCH volumes at 6-26 weeks’ gestation. Recurrent RCH (retromembranous, in-termembranous, retroplacental) is a serious complication of pregnancy. Unlike the hematoma de-tected only in the early pregnancy stages (less than 10 weeks’ gestation), recurrent uteroplacental hemorrhages substantially disrupt placentation processes, causing a considerable increase in the risk of early preterm delivery [OR = 9.344; 95% C11.180-73.976], placental insufficiency [OR = 5.625; 95% CI 2.452-12.906], including decompensated, ante- and intrapartum losses [RR = 1.825; 95% C11.596-2.086].




A. Kuznetsov

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

A. Martirosova

N.E. Bauman City Clinical Hospital Twenty-Nine, Moscow Healthcare Department

I. Ignatko

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

A. Rodionova

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)


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