Effect of tocilizumab and thymalin on systemic inflammation in patients with COVID-19



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Severe COVID-19 accompanied by acute respiratory failure, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and multiple organ dysfunction is most often observed in older (over 65 years) and relatively young patients with concomitant diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertensive disease, cardiac, renal, or hepatic dysfunction. In this case, the patients develop an excessive inflammatory response accompanied by the development of a cytokine storm, by the imbalance and subsequent depletion of T-cell immunity. Successful therapy for COVID-19 is based on the restoration of impaired immune functions, as well as on the elimination of the cytokine storm. For this purpose, it is recommended that the recombinant monoclonal antibody IL-6 (RIL) receptor inhibitor tocilizumab be used. The paper gives information on the successful use of tocilizumab in patients with severe COVID-19 and shows its substantial disadvantages: the development of adverse reactions, such as lymphocytopenia, thrombocytopenia, and elevated levels of IL6, alanine and aspartate aminotransferase, etc. At the same time, there are rationales that these patients should be given the immunomodulator thymalin that is able to eliminate the cytokine storm, to normalize the immune system, and to prevent disseminated intravascular coagulation. The authors describe typical cases of severe COVID-19 treated with tocilizumab and thymalin alone and in combination.




B. Kuznik

Chita State Medical Academy; Innovation Clinic Academy of Health

Email: bi_kuznik@mail.ru
Professor, MD Chita

V. Khavinson

Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology; I.P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: bi_kuznik@mail.ru
Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MD Saint Petersburg

S. Lukyanov

Chita State Medical Academy; City Clinical Hospital One

Email: bi_kuznik@mail.ru
Candidate of Medical Sciences Chita

K. Shapovalov

Chita State Medical Academy; City Clinical Hospital One

Email: bi_kuznik@mail.ru
Professor, MD Chita

Yu. Smolyakov

Chita State Medical Academy; Innovation Clinic Academy of Health

Email: bi_kuznik@mail.ru
Candidate of Medical Sciences Chita

P. Tereshkov

Chita State Medical Academy

Email: bi_kuznik@mail.ru
Candidate of Medical Sciences

Yu. Shapovalov

Chita State Medical Academy; City Clinical Hospital One

Email: bi_kuznik@mail.ru

V. Konnov

Chita State Medical Academy; City Clinical Hospital One

Email: bi_kuznik@mail.ru
Candidate of Medical Sciences Chita

D. Zaitsev

Chita State Medical Academy

Email: bi_kuznik@mail.ru
Associate Professor, MD

E. Magen

David Ben-Gurion University

Email: bi_kuznik@mail.ru
Professor, MD Ashdod, Israel


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