The risk of malignant tumors in mining and processing of nickel ores in the Arctic



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The objective of the study was to establish the characteristics of development, structure and prevalence of malignant tumors (MTs) among the nickel industry workers. Materials and methods. The analysis included the results of the monitoring study “Working conditions and occupational morbidity’ of the population of the Murmansk region and the Arctic zone of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2007-2018. Results. It was established that in the structure of harmful production factors, carcinogenic factors make up 12.0%. Within 12 years, 52 occupational MTs were first detected with predominant localization in the broncho-pulmonary system (50.0%) and the stomach (30.8%). In the structure of occupational pathology, MTs accounted for 1.73%. In 2007-2018 a decrease in the number of newly detected MTs was noted. The risk of developing tumors in 2007-2010 was higher than in 2015-2018: RR=3.65; C11.74-7.62; p=0.0002. Conclusion. Despite the decrease in the number of newly diagnosed MTs in 2007-2018, there remains a need to reduce the degree of exposure of workers to nickel-containing compounds. The task can be achieved through technical modernization of production and the use of modern personal protective equipment. In case of chronic pathology of the respiratory organs and stomach in nickel industry workers, the possibility of their oncological etiology should be deliberately excluded.




S. Syurin

Northwest Public Health Research Center



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