Comparative experience of combined medicine interferon alpha-2b + betamethasone and olopatadine with momethasone in the topical treatment of pollinosis exacerbations




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Objective: To assess and compare the effectiveness and safety of the combined medidne interferon aipha-2b + betamethasone (Allergoferon® beta) and the combined use of oiopatadine with mometasone furoate in the topical treatment of pollen allergy (pollinosis) exacerbations. Materials and methods. The study design was open, prospective, randomized and comparative. This study was conducted on the basis of the Department of Allergology and Immunology of the Omsk City Polyclinic No. 12. The study included 80 patients (men and women aged 20 to 64 years) who had consulted an allergist about moderate pollen allergy exacerbations. The patients were divided into two groups according to the treatment received: Group 1 (n=40) patients received oiopatadine eye drops and mometazone nasal spray for the treatment of pollinosis; Group 2 (n=40) patients - the new combined medicine Allergoferon® beta in the form of eye and nasal drops. Patients’ conditions and the presence of moderate pollen allergy exacerbations were assessed at baseline (Visit 1 ,V1) and during follow-up examinations on the day 7 (Visit 2, I/2) and day 14 (Visit 3,113). Patients' symptoms and signs were examined, which helped to determine the therapy effectiveness, the presence and severity of side effects. Tolerability of the given medidnes was evaluated according to patients' subjective assessment. Results. Control examinations of patients in both groups were conducted on the 7” and 14m days of treatment. On the 7“ treatment day (V2) disappearance of nasal symptoms (rhinorrhoea - 0 points) was observed in 27,5% of group 1 patients and in 45% of group 2 patients. The resolution of ocular symptoms (itchy eyelids - 0 points) was observed in 17,5% and 30% of patients in groups 1 and 2 respectively. There was a reduction in the intensity of such symptoms as cough (in 18% and 20% of patients in groups 1 and 2 respectively) and sneezing (in 25% and 40% of patients in groups 1 and 2 respectively). After 14 treatment days (V3) disappearance of nasal symptoms (in particular nasal congestion - 0 points) was noted in 52.5% of group 1 patients and 62.5% of group 2 patients. Ocular symptoms (itchy eyelids - 0 points) resolved completely in 40% (group 1) and 52,5% (group 2) patients respectively. No iacrimation was observed In 57,5% (group 1) and 67,5% (group 2) patients. Cough and sneezing were resolved completely in 55% and 65% of group 2 (Allergoferoni® beta) patients, by comparing with 45% and 53% of group 1 (oiopatadine + mometazone) patients respectively. Conclusion. Following the study results and comparative assessment of the given medidnes, it was revealed that the use of the combined medicine interferon alpha-2b + betamethasone (Allergoferon® beta) had higher effectiveness In the treatment of patients with moderate pollen allergy exacerbations as compared to the combination of oiopatadine with mometazone. Patients noted a good tolerability of Allergoferon® beta (nasal and eye drops), convenience and ease of use. No side effects were observed during the use of this medicine. There were no cases of treatment withdrawal or refusal. The use of this new combined medicine in the treatment of pollen allergy (pollinosis) exacerbations helped to improve the patients' quality of life and reduce the treatment time.




D. Trukhan

Omsk State Medical University


доктор медицинских наук


V. Alekseenko

Omsk City Poiydinic No. 12


N. Kalashnikova

Omsk State Medical University


V. Minaeva

Omsk State Medical University


O. Shelyapina

Omsk State Medical University


K. Nesterova

Omsk State Medical University


доктор медицинских наук


N. Bagisheva

Omsk State Medical University


кандидат медицинских наук


A. Mordyk

Omsk State Medical University


доктор медицинских наук, профессор


V. Goioshubina

Omsk State Medical University


кандидат медицинских наук


M. Moiseeva

Omsk State Medical University


кандидат медицинских наук


O. Vins

Medical and Sanitary Department, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Omsk Region

E. Nebesnaya

Omsk State Medical University



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